She wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family "Marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy." It must be dismantled.
Read moreHow I Overcame Victimhood, Inferiority and Blame
God is the only reason I made it this far: I’ve had it all, I’ve lost it all, and through it all, God is constant in His faithfulness, love and kindness.
Read moreWhy I Am a Black Conservative
We as Blacks and Africans have our problems and they are all rooted in what we call Black Spiritualism. Our insecurities, our fears and our mistrust of other races are the strongholds that the enemy uses to keep us in the faulty system of racial separateness.
Read moreSo Woke You Throw Jesus Under The Bus . . .
So they’re saying that this woman is a better and a more moral person than Jesus and that this woman needed to call Jesus out on His sin in order to show Him the moral truth? That's what it sounds like to me.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 5: White Fragility Theory and Christianity
Christianity, at its very core, is a positive and uniting religion because it sees humans as a single group. It teaches that “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). in contrast, critical race theory is intentional about dividing us.
Read moreThe April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium
The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.
Read moreA Seventh-day Adventist Seminary Professor Calls Ellen White a Racist
To arrive at this conclusion, the professor misquoted various statements of Ellen White about amalgamation. He would often single Cristiano out, ridiculing his beliefs in front of the class.
Read moreWrongThink #2 & 3. What is Happening To America?
These talks pull back the curtain on dark forces that are threatening religious and personal liberty today. We are not hearing this kind of unusual clarity anywhere else in Adventism right now.
Read moreThe Danger of Wokeness (Part 1): Applied Postmodernism
We are saddened by incidents of unjust violence, but the reality is more nuanced than the claims of systemic racism. We should become aware of the deeply laid agendas which undergird the architecture of wokeness.
Read moreHow I Escaped the Cult of Social Justice
You can look at all the other characteristics of a cult and see that it lines up with a lot of those. I mean, you're not allowed to question SJW dogma. There is a pressure to isolate yourself from people who are ‘non-believers.’
Read moreResponse To The Church's Statement On Race and Humanity
As people of the Book, we lift up Bible truth and the Everlasting Gospel as 1) the real solution to the racist heart and 2) as an antidote to the false social gospel that is presently masquerading as an angel of light.
Read moreBlack Lives Matter And Liberation Theology
Instead of promoting the struggle of classes and speak “against racism and white supremacy,” Adventists institutions should be champions of equality among all races, not to promote hatred and further division.
Read moreBlack Lives Matter & Black Tires
It seems to me the answer to issues that threaten black community is to SUPPORT Patriarchy, to strengthen both the role of Fathers and Mothers.
Read moreAn Analysis of The NAD's Justice And Racial Equality Initiative
The ‘Justice’ League
Joining social protests leads you into a spiral of political reaction that arouses resentment, hatred and anger, and leads people to stop focusing on Jesus and a better world to come.
Read moreWas Jesus A Social Activist?
Friends, it’s not about justice, it’s about winning hearts by showing the love of God in our words and actions. Corrupt men cannot bring about justice, only God can do that – which He will when Jesus returns.
Read moreWhy a Christian Should Not Get Involved With Black Lives Matter
Thus racism is the new witchcraft. Just like Salem's witches, it’s everywhere and in everything. But, if everything is racist, nothing is.
Read moreForest Lake Pastor Says The SDA Church is Chauvinist
Patterson makes the subjective claim that women are more spiritual. How does he know this? Does he sit in the place where he is all-knowing, “discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”?
Read moreBabylon's Sister
Their lone accomplishment in life is pretending they are someone they aren’t, the ultimate self-obsession without self-examination.
Read moreIf You're Not a Victim, You're Not Cool
Victimology also leads to the ultimate stage of absurdity where we hold people responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for things that they are doing today.
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