I know many brothers and sisters all over Europe and I can assure you that in every single country there are brothers and sisters who are following this whole situation closely and are outraged by the recent events.
Read moreWhen Does It Become Time To Disfellowship A Member or a Pastor?
Spirit of Prophecy = unreliable, as is generally is White's opinion on theology, lifestyle ect. She is occasionally inspired when she gets it right. And in any case she, is much less inspired than the biblical Prophets.
Read moreInterview With Filipe Reis, a Fulcrum7 Reader From Portugal
Some say Christ was a revolutionary; therefore, He was a liberal because He defied established powers. This is a grotesque subversion of facts – Jesus was a restorer of former virtue, so He was even more than a conservative.
Read moreA German Legacy of Shame
In an effort to protect themselves, they became complicit in Hitler’s persecution of the Jews and fellow Christians. Now, predictably, they have jumped on the bandwagon with those who accuse the world church of being a “misogynistic” church.
Read moreA Seventh-day Adventist Seminary Professor Calls Ellen White a Racist
To arrive at this conclusion, the professor misquoted various statements of Ellen White about amalgamation. He would often single Cristiano out, ridiculing his beliefs in front of the class.
Read moreWhat Is Wrong With The Seventh-day Adventist Message?
Our message is not to be an inclusive, ecumenical, milky message, but rather a profound Message, a call to come out from the world and to separate ourselves from every unclean thought and unholy practice.
Read moreContemplative Prayer Affirmed at Collonges Theology School
What we are about to show as evidence is intended to raise awareness among the Adventist family that this is an issue we must address.
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