Articles (last 30)
The ramifications of that excommunication were brutal to our family. However, the anguish that was caused by the loss of all we knew and held dear God was able to use for good.
Over time, an organization can become a complex multi-layered structure that limits efficiency and slows down decision making. We call that a bureaucracy.
To be hot for Christ, means to be charged for his service.—not after a lengthy consultation with Risk Management and the Church Manual, but by the conviction the Holy Spirit places on your heart.
This is most significant. The “church” that may appear as about to fall is a “remnant” (her own words) that is present at the time of the imposition of Sunday laws.
Puberty can blur the pages of Scripture. So can willful blindness by adults who think that rather than discussing God’s holy sexuality and His intentions, we’ll all somehow find our way.
What do I tell my conservative leaning young adult friends who felt that Village Church and Pastor Kelly were a lifeline to a denomination that they felt viewed them as discardable? “Toe the line, or get out!” ??
In our political enthusiasms, are we exercising Christian humility appropriate to our finite understanding?
She said, with great frustration. “Why did God make men?!?!!?” Her husband stood over by their minivan with his head down, pretending to be fiddling with the gas door flap. He was embarrassed.
I find it alarming that we, as a world church, are not even giving those we deem as potential threats to unity of the body of Christ the opportunity to defend their position—like the Church of Rome reluctantly did during the dark ages.
However, as society has progressed and barriers to racial integration have diminished, the continuation of these divisions within the church has become increasingly untenable.
Like Paul, we are prisoners of Jesus Christ. We’re sailing on rough seas. It looks like the ship will be lost, broken into pieces by the winds of false doctrines and the waves of strife. Let the Holy Spirit enlighten your understanding.
Conrad Vine’s message, then, did not contradict God’s promise through Ellen White. Vine stands in a long line of faithful servants of God who have risked their reputations and more to call out sin within the church. This is one of the means by which God prevents His church from falling.
Kruger will be taking on a new role as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of Adventist Healthcare White Oak in Calverton, MD.
Those that work to undermine the nation states are aiding and abetting Satan's move to bring the world under a centralized global regime.
Something very interesting happens here. Instead of destroying the world as He had previously, God dismantles Satan's global empire by confounding the languages and establishing the nations of the Earth.
I am a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist, the grandson of a Seventh-day Adventist minister, A.D. McKee. I have always believed the Seventh-day Adventist message and I believe it now more than ever.
If we fail to preach liberty of conscience, including a free-will choice to accept righteousness by faith, we lose the power of the third angel’s message, and instead, concede to the coercive methods of the beast.
Worldly influences to a certain degree have been kept out of the church compared to many churches in the States and abroad. People are hungry for Bible truth.
Many pastors come into the group with fairly conservative ideals, but get bullied mercilessly—mocked by group members who no longer feel it is appropriate to hold to Adventist standards.
I am grieved that a spurious kind of Adventist education is being offered at Andrews University in which so many foundational teachings are brought into question in the minds of the young.
Soon the truth surfaced – racism – and Mrs. Dee’s husband perched up on his seat angrily. Since it was the proverbial elephant in the room we were now in a conversational impasse.
Our ‘Liberty’ leaders have invited the godless leftist camel into the church’s tent, while they gaze out the back of the tent with a telescope toward a virtually invisible ‘Christian Nationalist’ chimera.
I was deeply troubled to learn that a member of the Village Church had passed away, and the family requested Ron to conduct the funeral service. Pastor Taariq contacted the conference to inquire whether Ron could officiate, only to be told no.
"And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure."
Now did the Jews abandon Mordecai? Did they say among themselves, “It is better that one man die for the people than the whole nation perish”? Did they tell the authorities, “Mordecai does not represent what we believe”?
God’s people completely misunderstood His first coming. Only the foolish are confident they have a precise view of the events leading to His Second Coming.
If the leadership at the top had responded to the pandemic by supporting liberty of conscience and promoting the health message, I wouldn’t be up at six in the morning writing this article.
Monks and ministers, modernists and mystics, all found common ground in critical re-interpretation of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Last Sabbath we learned of troubling connections that the General Conference of the Adventist church (and other churches) has made with the United Nations and its right arm, the World Health Organization.
The modern man finds himself adrift in a sea of confusion, emasculated by a culture that has declared war on masculinity..