I am grieved that a spurious kind of Adventist education is being offered at Andrews University in which so many foundational teachings are brought into question in the minds of the young.
Read moreThe 'Love Reality' Phenomenon, Examined by a Pastor
What this author and his organization is purporting is heresy my friends. This is not truth and unless it is relinquished, it will ultimately prove fatal to your salvation.
Read more14 Reasons Why I Won’t Watch 'The Chosen'
This lame, sacrilegious attempt at humor ridicules John's recognition of Jesus as the Messiah and undermines the whole message—including Christ’s divinity.
Read moreThe Theological Inconsistencies Of SDA Pro-WO Feminism
This student was brave and open minded and willing to challenge his or her worldview when it came into contact with Scripture. The response of the seminary teacher shocks and horrifies me to this day.
Read moreCount the Cost: The Hidden Dangers of Government Funding of Religious Education
With external culture wars threatening to break down the doors, religious school administrators and boards who are serious about existing to provide their students with a faith-based foundation should be very intentional about their next steps.
Read moreMy Troubling Experiences With Adventist Education
More recently, about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law took a religion class at Loma Linda University from David Larson in which he very emotionally defended homosexuality.
Read moreThere's Something Really Fishy Going On With Conferences & Unions in The NAD
But there are those, who are unconverted and use members and church structure as a political playing field for power, office or prestige. The church exists for spiritual purposes, not political ones! And ministers are to be spiritual leaders, not politicians, position seekers, or timeservers!
Read moreThe Woke Danger 5: White Fragility Theory and Christianity
Christianity, at its very core, is a positive and uniting religion because it sees humans as a single group. It teaches that “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). in contrast, critical race theory is intentional about dividing us.
Read moreShipwrecked College Faith and Recovery
Let the students attending our colleges beware of many pitfalls which they will encounter while attending an Adventist college. Don’t be like me when I thought an Adventist college was an extended arm to help me in faith building.
Read moreAdventHealth Whole Life Church Promoting The Mystical Practice Of Lectio Divina
This is a practice that is void of the Holy Spirit. It opens the door for another spirit to drop thoughts into our minds, then we go away thinking those thoughts are impressions from God.
Read moreSome New Ecumenical Trends In Adventism
Denis openly affirmed that he does not share the ecumenical vision of the SDA church, and weighed the ecumenical spirit of the SDA church in Europe in a way that brings him closer to state churches.
Read moreGanoune Diop Interviewed By The Berkley Center
These are not merely separated brethren with whom we can curry favor and share truth. These are dangerous individuals, with a cosmology that is at variance with the Three Angels’ Messages.
Read moreAn Open Letter To All Who Care About Our SDA Periodicals And Journals
In my naivety, I would have thought our SDA publications should be encouraging, inspirational, and biblically enlightening, echoing the Three Angels’ Messages, especially in these prophetic times.
Read moreLabyrinths: Bringing Paganism Into The Church
Paradoxically, while the Christian community talks about "spiritual warfare" and "putting on the full armour of God," many of these same churches can be found embracing that which they claim to oppose.
Read moreMutating Virus Panic Into Climate Crisis Scares
Make no mistake, there will be a redoubled effort in the media in the coming months to tie outcomes of the coronavirus to climate change and to focus even more fear on any and all events that can be portrayed as being out of the ordinary.
Read moreThe Sad Fruit of Mysticism & Liberalism in Ohio: Gina Helbley
I like to think those who heard Jesus understood he was talking about a kingdom that was as impartial and generous as Shiva. Where there's room for everyone and everything…
Read moreDaniel Cuccaro And David Gates: Futurists And Futurologists
Be careful not to fall into the trap of people who listen to those who entertain spurious dreams, then reject the truth when it arrives because of their previous disappointments.
Read moreThe Mysterious Workings of Providence
But for some reason, this particular day I decided to keep working. I think I was near to finishing with that big tree, and didn’t want to leave it until morning.
Read moreCatholic Lawyer Exposes Pope's Alliance With UN For Population Control
"Climate change is based on faulty science and was manufactured as a justification (a ruse) to impose population control on the world."
Read moreWhen All Else Fails, Stage An International Climate Rebellion
Behind the theories and manifestos and violent demands is a great darkness of fear and terror. And small wonder, for life without God is a life without hope, joy, and peace (Jeremiah 29:11).
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