Pathway to Paradise Speaks Out About Conrad Vine, Ron Kelly and the Shaking

Yet today, both of these men have been aggressively de-platformed, cancelled, and silenced by the very church that they have given their lives to build up.

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Pastor Ron Kelly is Fired by the Michigan Conference

Ron Kelly has handled himself very well in the aftermath of the Michigan Conference’s vendetta against Conrad Vine. He sought to be transparent and to resolve the situation through the proper channels. Today he was fired.

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The United Methodist Church General Conference Session Approves Gay Marriage, Ordination

It is difficult today to identify this religious body as the movement it was centuries ago. We should ask ourselves, Are we grounded in the Scriptures? Are we ready, individually, to hold on to truth? Or, are we ourselves at risk to be swept away in the engulfing cultural tsunami?

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Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick: Potomac Ordains Female LGBTQ Advocate

Although Seventh-day Adventists have agreed according to the Bible and church order in multiple General Conference Sessions not to ordain women to the gospel ministry, the Potomac Conference just ordained Joanne Cortes to the gospel ministry.

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Agenda For Annual Council Just Released

Changes to B90 policy regarding dissolution of Unions. Now they can be dissolved in Spring Meeting and Fall meetings. This serves as a warning to wayward unions that they could have only six months to get their house in order, or they will be dissolved.

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Resisting Church Authority Abuse 6: Guest Speakers Manual Change & Call for Revisitation

A change of substantial and destructive import was introduced into the latest edition of the Church Manual. This change seems to grant conferences veto power over which guest speakers local churches might be able to invite.

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Censorship and The GC Session Agenda

The conference may legally own facilities, but spiritually, it stewards them on behalf of God’s people. For noteworthy speakers, internet popularity and the ability to rent other facilities provide a workaround.

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