Like Paul, we are prisoners of Jesus Christ. We’re sailing on rough seas. It looks like the ship will be lost, broken into pieces by the winds of false doctrines and the waves of strife. Let the Holy Spirit enlighten your understanding.
Read moreDear Mrs. Dee: The Mountains are Calling
Soon the truth surfaced – racism – and Mrs. Dee’s husband perched up on his seat angrily. Since it was the proverbial elephant in the room we were now in a conversational impasse.
Read moreSurviving the Shipwreck
People don’t wander because they’re lost, they wander because they forget who they are. We are Adventists, the ones who didn’t fit in with Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists or Catholics.
Read moreOvercoming Sexual Abuse, Addiction and Trauma
One day you will arrive at true freedom: when you think of your perpetrator you can pray for their mercy and grace (Matthew 5:44). Unforgiveness is the fuel to any addiction and the stronghold of victimization. True freedom is complete forgiveness.
Read moreWhat to Do ??
Because of the benefit we received from this booklet, we have shared many copies over the years with persons who were struggling as we were. We found it to be both encouraging and very personally challenging.
Read moreIt's Time to Reconcile (conclusion)
How can I forgive them? If I am kind and loving toward them, they won’t realize how much they have hurt me. They need to be punished so they’ll see just how bad they are!
Read moreThe View From The Sixth Floor, GC Session 2022
Delegates face a peculiar problem, that of becoming a small but powerful elite that, instead of holding the Church to account on behalf of the people/members, they offer leaders unconditional support in exchange for the illusion of influence.
Read moreRun Out of Gas For Your Chainsaw? No problem!
Perhaps you are bored with running a chainsaw, and you want to try something different. Or, maybe the price of gas is $8.50 a gallon by fall. Well, we have just the thing. An Amish cross-cut saw!
Read moreTEACH Services Publishes Jane Iery's Book: Born in Babylon
The study on the antichrist almost broke me. It was THE turning point in my journey, and it was very hard for me because there was so much involved.
Read moreAgents of Satan?
Long ago, two brothers troubled church headquarters. Dreadful stories spread at pandemic speed. Worship services became a mockery. Bribery was common. Conflict of interest. High disdain for God’s health principles.
Read moreK-L-N-K! Happy Hour Arpeggio
In recent years the gang has been joined by ladies or maybe trannies. Changed in other ways too, the Happy Hour gang has gone from baby boomers to computer zoomers perched on park benches or toilet seats or still in lonely cubicles.
Read moreBe Encouraged, Friend
If you feel like you are in a church where the leadership doesn’t have your best interest at heart, be encouraged. There is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Read morePresenting Biblical Truth in a Hostile Culture
The Bible is sufficient, friends. We do not need sociologists and psychologists to complete us in our thinking about humanity. We don’t need vainglorious theologians to tell us what the Bible means.
Read morePeace on Earth
We tend to be very thick-skinned when it comes to how we treat others and their opinions, but very thin-skinned when we evaluate how others treat us and our opinions. “Grow up”, “Don’t be so sensitive”, “Rub some dirt on it.”
Read moreInteresting Interview With Australian Evangelist Samuel Braga
Media has presented one side of the reality and manipulated it to develop fear in the minds of the population. It is very sad. Australia was a free country, but it no longer is.
Read morePrayer Helps A Pilot In Saudi Arabia
There is eight hours difference in time from Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia to Omaha, Nebraska. Saudi is eight hours ahead on the day, so…. You do the math and the word “coincidence” may come to mind. But we know better.
Read moreMy Review of The Village Church Symposium
Halfway through the detour my car was attacked by a suicidal turkey who charged into the road, determined to hit my car. Instead, my car hit him, the left mirror whacking him with a Thanksgiving-sized thump. Feathers flew.
Read moreRelevance Is The New Righteousness
If you can push off what’s wrong with you on someone else you’re never going to deal with your own sin and resultingly, you can never be saved by Jesus Christ. You will be lost.
Read morePastors On Patrol
Many of our leaders are not teaching the end-time message. They are petting the sheep, not feeding them. And they are so against any striving for purification. Asleep in their Laodicean condition, they believe that simply being an Adventist, especially an Adventist pastor, will save them.
Read moreThe Renewing of the Mind
We are called to come out and be separate from the world, that we may be the sons and daughters of the Most High; and we are under sacred obligation to glorify God, as His children upon the earth.
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