Our ‘Liberty’ leaders have invited the godless leftist camel into the church’s tent, while they gaze out the back of the tent with a telescope toward a virtually invisible ‘Christian Nationalist’ chimera.
Read moreRevolution 1989—Kirkpatrick Reacts
Renting or lending a typewriter was forbidden and every typewriter owner had to have authorization from the militia, with that process repeated every years.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreThe Word of God Vs. The Communist Primer 'Rules For Radicals'
There’s not much to like about Alinsky but at least he does not hide his goals. He is at war with the way the world is ordered and intends to bring it down and replace it with his communist vision.
Read moreBlack Lives Matter And Liberation Theology
Instead of promoting the struggle of classes and speak “against racism and white supremacy,” Adventists institutions should be champions of equality among all races, not to promote hatred and further division.
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