Many pastors come into the group with fairly conservative ideals, but get bullied mercilessly—mocked by group members who no longer feel it is appropriate to hold to Adventist standards.
Read moreStudent Exposes Unbiblical Teaching at Andrews University
I am grieved that a spurious kind of Adventist education is being offered at Andrews University in which so many foundational teachings are brought into question in the minds of the young.
Read moreReally, Reinder Bruinsma?
I have always been surprised by the Catholic Church's ability to show different faces depending on the circumstances and its interests. I have experienced this closely.
Read moreThe Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies
In 2020, when the most substantive global imposition against personal liberties arrived, nothing happened. Most sat on their hands and complied. The state piped, the people danced, and the Bill of Rights took a vacation.
Read moreBurning Your Soul at Burning Man
And while Burning Man is one of the strangest experiences of attendees lives, using public Porta-John toilets in 110° weather is probably one of the least revolting experiences of it. There is an orgy tent, and a plethora of hedonistic rituals available on almost every corner.
Read moreOpen Letter to Upper Columbia Conference Leaders
I am a senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist church. We are in interesting times where there may be consequences within the church for defending the truth and expressing concerns as I and others have done.
Read moreLoma Linda University School of Medicine Goes (more) Woke
During Dr. Appel’s opening line, he announced, “After living and working for the last 20 years in Africa, I feel I’ve earned the right to be a little controversial and I intend to take advantage of that today."
Read morePope Francis Grants Explosive Interview, Hypocrisy at it's Finest
Roman Catholicism undermines the authority of Scripture, and created a whole religion around it. Notice how liberal Protestant Christians (and some Adventists) are also undermining Scripture, and abandoning Bible teachings.
Read moreFeminism Against Progress—Kirkpatrick Reacts
The endpoint of a three century struggle for progress, understood as individual separateness, has culminated in a political effort to eliminate all meaningful sex differences through technology.
Read moreThe United Methodist Church General Conference Session Approves Gay Marriage, Ordination
It is difficult today to identify this religious body as the movement it was centuries ago. We should ask ourselves, Are we grounded in the Scriptures? Are we ready, individually, to hold on to truth? Or, are we ourselves at risk to be swept away in the engulfing cultural tsunami?
Read morePotomac Conference Ordination Crisis, How to Take Action !!
On March 18, 2024, Potomac Conference "ordained" Joanne Cortes to the gospel ministry. In this video, I outline an approach to the present emergency in which YOU can directly and immediately participate!
Read moreWhy We Should Be Thankful for Liberalism
As the darkness works to doom our world and as we suffer defeat after defeat, these defeats only serve to remind us that we must be better, that we must do more, learn more of God and become more in order to reflect His glory (Jude 24)
Read moreGood News in Berrien Springs
God’s timing is perfect, and His ways sometimes past finding out! We are happy to inform you that Coming Out Ministries closed on the purchase last Thursday.
Read moreFollow-up from A GYC Attendee
During Rahel’s seminar presentations, I took careful notes, including verbatim quotes of what she was saying. It was from these detailed notes from which I wrote the article. I stand by their accuracy.
Read moreHit Piece Against Coming Out Ministries in Andrews Student Movement Newsletter
The author says that COM wishes to “target students” who are unsafe on Adventists campuses. And having an office across the road from Andrews, would force turmoil on students and faculty members. Oh, please.
Read moreThe Boy Who Cried Wolf
I've heard this for years, “whatever you do, don't elect a conservative Christian president because they will bring in the Sunday laws.” So, by default many Adventists vote for the most immoral candidate. I call that Dreadventism.
Read moreThe Enemy Within the Gates
Where the Greatest Generation recognized their blessings in a tumult of strife, today’s privileged society is hypnotized on their misfortunes of insufficient materiality, affirmation, and asexual opportunities.
Read moreAre Adventist Leaders Rethinking Their Support of Black Lives Matter?
Given the atrocities in Israel and the support by BLM for Hamas, one would have to question the wisdom of supporting an institution such as BLM.
Read moreAndrews University Book on The Last Generation Contains Numerous Fallacies
What a beautiful and awesome reality, one that make us simultaneously tremble with fear and shiver with delight (Isaiah 6:5'; Psalm 1:2).
Read moreOne Conference President is Standing Against The LGBTQ Flood in Germany
Clear statements in the Bible are being reinterpreted and boundaries are being crossed, leading many people astray and making them think that they are on God's path. We cannot and will not stand by and watch this happen.
Read more