Where the Greatest Generation recognized their blessings in a tumult of strife, today’s privileged society is hypnotized on their misfortunes of insufficient materiality, affirmation, and asexual opportunities.
Read moreThe Gospel Blimp
This story is a beautiful satire on our sometimes sick methods of trying to take the gospel to other people. It is also a brilliant critique about what happens to a church when they begin to adopt elements of the culture around them.
Read moreThe Great Awakening or The Great Awokening?
Certainly the Adventist 'church' is no ordinary body. It is a Movement, called of God to prepare a dying world for the soon return of the Lord Jesus.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreThe Catholic Roots of Social Justice: The Vatican and the CCP
Communism puts the state in the place of God, while the Papacy places to the pope in the place of God. The Papacy is much more dangerous, as it disguises itself from its true roots and intentions.
Read moreThe Word of God Vs. The Communist Primer 'Rules For Radicals'
There’s not much to like about Alinsky but at least he does not hide his goals. He is at war with the way the world is ordered and intends to bring it down and replace it with his communist vision.
Read moreSocialism in Christian Education
We have a terrible problem with higher education in the United States, and it is not limited to secular, non-Christian colleges.
Read moreThe NAD's Jose Cortez Jr. And Shawn Brace Defend The BLM Movement Again
What furious people want is avengement, and they don’t realize that our duty is to obtain justice not claiming justice, but by accepting the righteousness of God in His Son.
Read moreAn Analysis of The NAD's Justice And Racial Equality Initiative
The ‘Justice’ League
Joining social protests leads you into a spiral of political reaction that arouses resentment, hatred and anger, and leads people to stop focusing on Jesus and a better world to come.
Read moreWas Jesus A Social Activist?
Friends, it’s not about justice, it’s about winning hearts by showing the love of God in our words and actions. Corrupt men cannot bring about justice, only God can do that – which He will when Jesus returns.
Read moreWhy a Christian Should Not Get Involved With Black Lives Matter
Thus racism is the new witchcraft. Just like Salem's witches, it’s everywhere and in everything. But, if everything is racist, nothing is.
Read moreA Golden Opportunity
This message transcends race for it is to go to “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Rev 14:6). In a time of anger and despair, we have a message of hope for it is the message of "the everlasting gospel.”
Read moreThe Catholic Roots of Social Justice (Part 2)
This is what has happened in the Western world, where the majority of people in my generation believe in Social Justice, Socialism, and Globalism. I see it all around, and I see the rewriting of history books for this to occur.
Read moreAn Open Letter to Light Bearers Ministry
What I find interesting is Mr. Gibson’s immediate and full-throttled support of this student’s position, even going so far as to say her feelings are “legitimate and righteous.”
Read moreHow To Be Cleansed Of Your White Privilege
The mad social justice impulse to eradicate “whiteness” is a campaign to eradicate forgiveness. Generational bitterness becomes a grid through which you view life—carrying everywhere the banner “Somebody owes me something” (James 3:14).
Read moreThe Roman Catholic Roots of Social Justice
The evidence is overwhelming. I can show you more of the issue and the Catholic roots of such a movement. However as the Remnant, we should be asking ourselves “Should we be really engaged in this movement ?”
Read moreThe Madness Of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (Book Review, Part 1)
As nature abhors a vacuum, into this spiritual and theological vacuum has flooded what is essentially a new “religion,” i.e. radical atheism as manifest in social justice activism, identity group politics and intersectionality.
Read moreKarl Marx, Social Justice and The Gospel
For SJWs, being good atheists, there is no eternal life. Rather, the more one is offended, the more one’s self-righteousness grows. A SJW is justified – declared righteous – by the SJW online mob.
Read moreWhy Theological Liberalism Must Be Exposed And Resisted
Liberalism believes that Jesus must be clothed with modern cultural garments; throw upon Him the deceptive LED light of modern sentimentality, and all meaning will come to us.
Read moreJeremiah 44 And Rebellion
“As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you! But we will certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of heaven…”
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