She wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family "Marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy." It must be dismantled.
Read moreA Trojan Horse at GYC
Sadly, I was greatly disappointed. Rather than learning what the Bible teaches regarding God’s design for womanhood, attendees were subjected to straight-up feminism.
Read moreAre Adventist Leaders Rethinking Their Support of Black Lives Matter?
Given the atrocities in Israel and the support by BLM for Hamas, one would have to question the wisdom of supporting an institution such as BLM.
Read moreThe Rise And Fall of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE)
Diversity Inclusion and Equity officers
DIE work has also become a liability, often a smokescreen for reverse racism and critical race theory.
Read moreLightChannel of Denmark Presents: Religion And Culture of Today
Nationalism vs. globalism. Is it a virtue or vice to be proud of your country? Social justice activism and Cultural Marxism. The religion of wokeness: How wokeness incorporates salvation by works.
Read moreCommentary on ‘Prophetic Denialism’ by Ivor Myers
Surprisingly, however, in the very same article that invites us to address injustices, it also harshly criticizes those concerned about the injustices of medical tyranny and socialism as “embracing apostate Protestantism”!
Read moreProphetic Revisionism: The High Cost of Integrating Politics And SDA Eschatology
Unlike the evangelists of the Great Awakening, today’s activists do not use simple language to spread their message to sinners in need of repentance. On the contrary, they camouflage radical beliefs in bureaucratic acronyms like DEI and CRT.
Read moreThe Delusion of Supporting Abortion
The same principle is at work in the issue of abortion. It does seem to me that the abortion crowd is trying to ease their conscience by changing the vocabulary and the science of human reproduction and sexuality.
Read moreThe Theological Inconsistencies Of SDA Pro-WO Feminism
This student was brave and open minded and willing to challenge his or her worldview when it came into contact with Scripture. The response of the seminary teacher shocks and horrifies me to this day.
Read moreHow Your Church Can Be More Woke
Now that your church is WOKE it’s time to let everyone know. Religious people love to virtue signal, right? Here’s some suggestions to proclaim your new religious wokeness.
Read moreIf You’re Woke, Do You Know It?
This illustrates how a controversial view may be mandated upon a nation and then transform a society—for example, today’s controversial view of being “woke”.
Read moreI'm 17, And I'm Immunized from Woke Politics
The author after a debate tournament in October 2019.
The conventional wisdom among liberals these days is that different admission rates along racial lines must necessarily be the result of systemic oppression. I think the truth is simpler: those who prioritize education will get in.
Read moreRelevance Is The New Righteousness
If you can push off what’s wrong with you on someone else you’re never going to deal with your own sin and resultingly, you can never be saved by Jesus Christ. You will be lost.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 7: Trapped in a Fiction
The woke phenomenon, and its various manifestations represents a totalizing worldview. A totalitarian movement usually at last results in a one-party state that owns all of you. Not even private thoughts are permitted.
Read moreThe Great Awakening or The Great Awokening?
Certainly the Adventist 'church' is no ordinary body. It is a Movement, called of God to prepare a dying world for the soon return of the Lord Jesus.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreA Repudiation of The Protestant Origin of The USA
If the popes were unable to bring peace and righteousness for more than a millennium to the peoples over whom they ruled, how will they be able to unite the nations under the Roman Catholic banner?
Read morePart 2: Not As The World Giveth, Give I
Oh come on, it isn’t THAT bad!, you old conspiracy-monger, you toxic doomsayer! You’re an evil demon spewing hate, racism, and disinformation. You’re an embarrassment to our emergent, woke church and a dire threat to evolving utopian society.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 5: White Fragility Theory and Christianity
Christianity, at its very core, is a positive and uniting religion because it sees humans as a single group. It teaches that “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). in contrast, critical race theory is intentional about dividing us.
Read moreThe April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium
The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.
Read more