This illustrates how a controversial view may be mandated upon a nation and then transform a society—for example, today’s controversial view of being “woke”.
Read moreI'm 17, And I'm Immunized from Woke Politics
The author after a debate tournament in October 2019.
The conventional wisdom among liberals these days is that different admission rates along racial lines must necessarily be the result of systemic oppression. I think the truth is simpler: those who prioritize education will get in.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreThe April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium
The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.
Read moreTal Bachman: Wokism Answers Nones' Need for Meaning
Tal Bachman argues that, as horrible as we find the ideology of critical race theory, the otherwise religion-less Millennials, the “nones", are finding meaning and purpose in “wokism”
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