Those who break their long standing religious ties to follow a conscience bound by God's will as expressed in His word are deserving of support, friendship and encouragement by all Seventh-day Adventists.
Read moreSupreme Court Showdown over Sunday Could Change US Workplaces
Next week, Groff will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to require employers to be more accommodating of religiously observant workers, including a right to skip shifts on the Sabbath and still keep their jobs.
Read moreThe Origin of the Bible
Back in 1999, a friend told me that his Roman Catholic cousin said that the Catholic church gave us the Bible. Thus, we should trust the Catholic Church and possibly join it. My friend asked me to write a short response to his cousin.
Read moreIndependent Baptist Preacher Greg Locke Says Sabbath Keeping is a Demonic Doctrine
Locke is very political and very boisterous. I believe a Christian should avoid politics as much as possible, first to keep his sanity, and second to avoid becoming double-minded (James 1:8). In my opinion, Locke is imbalanced in this regard.
Read moreThe SDA Church is Like Samson
The Seventh-day Adventist church also to a large degree, gave up its secret to growth. We became jealous of other denominations who had settled pastors over them.
Read moreSola Scriptura As The Greater Light and Spirit Of Prophecy As The Lesser Light (Conclusion)
The Bible is, on the other hand, its own interpreter, as Jesus used it when the devil misinterpreted it to deceive Him. Jesus replied: “It is also written.”
Read morePresenting Biblical Truth in a Hostile Culture
The Bible is sufficient, friends. We do not need sociologists and psychologists to complete us in our thinking about humanity. We don’t need vainglorious theologians to tell us what the Bible means.
Read moreIf You’re Woke, Do You Know It?
This illustrates how a controversial view may be mandated upon a nation and then transform a society—for example, today’s controversial view of being “woke”.
Read moreSouthern Baptist Convention Makes The Right Call On WO
The Southern Baptist Convention requires that church planters align with the practice of the majority of Southern Baptist churches—that only qualified men will hold the office or title of “pastor/elder/bishop/overseer.”
Read moreI'm 17, And I'm Immunized from Woke Politics
The author after a debate tournament in October 2019.
The conventional wisdom among liberals these days is that different admission rates along racial lines must necessarily be the result of systemic oppression. I think the truth is simpler: those who prioritize education will get in.
Read moreWhat Was in the Ark of the Covenant? (Part 2). Understanding Hebrews 9:1-5
Remember, Paul emphasizes that he is not speaking about the details. In Hebrew 9 he is simply comparing the High Priestly service of Jesus in heaven to the service of the high priest on earth. That is his main goal and reason for argumentation.
Read moreAre We Carnal Christians?
What was the problem with these individuals? Jesus said “I never knew you.” Either they didn’t have a relationship with Jesus at all, or their relationship was impure. They were not fully committed to Jesus.
Read moreOlive Hemmings’ Anti-Bible Rant
The word of God in the Bible is the eternal standard by which earthly rulers are judged and held to account.
Read moreThe True History Of The Bible
As we review the history of the Bible, let us be encouraged to have the same faith those in times past did. Let us not waver with the postmodern trends we see today.
Read moreSunday Afternoon GCAC19 (live updates)
10-13-2019. Sunday afternoon at Autumn Council — live updates…
Read moreThe Razor's Edge
In the swamp I saw ghostly shapes like wooden figures without detail but of human form.
Read moreA More Balanced Approach to Politics
Sadly, many conversations dealing with politics become quite hostile, leaving behind both friendships and civility.
Read moreNeutering or Killing? A Response to George Knight's Book (Part 2)
An alarming warning should be sounded immediately and a firewall built to resist these erroneous views as contained in Knight’s favorite small book to prevent them from shattering the scriptural advent faith.
Read moreNeutering or Killing? A Response to George Knight's Book (Part 1)
It does not take a prophet to see the danger and threat of Knight’s conclusion in his apocalyptic studies on the advent faith as a whole and the difficulties it will create in calling people out of Babylon.
Read moreAn Unwashed Thumb In The Eye Of The Entire Church--Silver Spring SDA Church Ordains Woman
You want to participate in voting on Church decisions? Great. Then you must abide by the decisions. If you won’t abide by them, them you forfeit any right to vote in them, going forward.
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