Participants in the debate warned that this was a red line, that the decision would cause great damage to the global communion, but the decision was made anyway.
Read moreAdventists Protesting Adventists
That’s the beauty about “freedom.” However, “freedom” as we know it, is rapidly disappearing. Social Justice is the new ruler, taking exception with God’s justice.
Read moreIntimacy With God Is Better Than Sex
In America, as well as around the globe, these experiences might fall under a heading of “sexual intimacy.” We have fallen victim to developing a relationship with sex, instead of its Designer.
Read moreWomen’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise, and the Adventist Slide into the LGBTQ Morass (Part 3)
The problem with the social justice platform of the progressive wing of Adventism is that it is more beholden to the philosophies and ideologies of contemporary society than it is to the authority of Scripture.
Read moreAre You Related To Lot's Wife?
Worship is a routine formality that just happens to fall on the seventh day of the week. Would you withstand persecution for it? Would we currently withstand persecution for anything pertaining to God?
Read moreSPD President Responds to Open Letter Regarding LGBTQ Support At Avondale
The true church always celebrates the truth, not diversity, and truth requires repenting of homosexual sin, not celebrating it or justifying it.
Read moreLeft For Dead – God’s Faithful Few
Until the Desmond Ford debacle, about the only controversy that was visible was the contention held by students regarding modest attire at school. Dresses needed to be mid-calf or lower in length.
Read moreWe Interview Wayne Blakely About His New Book Challenging The NAD Book "Posture Shift"
We used to uphold Scripture. But now so many want to reinterpret Scripture to accommodate their desires. Holding up sound doctrine is often seen as radical and fanatical.
Read moreBlack Lives Matter & Black Tires
It seems to me the answer to issues that threaten black community is to SUPPORT Patriarchy, to strengthen both the role of Fathers and Mothers.
Read moreAn Analysis of The NAD's Justice And Racial Equality Initiative
The ‘Justice’ League
Joining social protests leads you into a spiral of political reaction that arouses resentment, hatred and anger, and leads people to stop focusing on Jesus and a better world to come.
Read moreC.S. Lewis’ Critique on Subjective Morality and its Application to Homosexuality
The minority guides the majority in matters of morality. This is seen today in the redefining of morality by homosexuals, a minority in the population.
Read moreThe Catholic Roots of Social Justice (Part 2)
This is what has happened in the Western world, where the majority of people in my generation believe in Social Justice, Socialism, and Globalism. I see it all around, and I see the rewriting of history books for this to occur.
Read moreFairness for All?—Part 2
The notion that gays are a persecuted group is risible nonsense.
Read moreFairness for All?—Part 1
Should the Seventh-day Adventist denomination be lobbying for including gays and transgendered persons as protected classes under federal civil rights law?
Read moreThe Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race And Identity (Book Review, Part 2)
Rather than engaging in society, sharing ideas, debating concepts, and engaging in the give and take of healthy discourse, we are retreating into sullen and fearful silence, afraid to speak up.
Read moreSwedish Bible Leader Writes Letter To Swedish Union About LGBTQ 'Position Paper'
A true surrender to Christ is exactly what it means; that you submit to the terms of God, not your own terms, as LGBTQ will. You cannot both eat the cake and keep it.
Read moreFormer Board Member of SDA Kinship Speaks About Their Harassment of Coming Out Ministries
Kinship’s mission now is about sexual orientation as self-worth, celebrating “bisexuality month” and other oddities, and locating the pinnacle of one’s identity through sexual expression.
Read moreJeremiah 44 And Rebellion
“As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you! But we will certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of heaven…”
Read moreHomosexuality Is a Choice (part 2)
Ingrained in society is the notion that homosexuals cannot change. This stance is not only incorrect, but a subtle yet direct attack against Christianity and a clever attempt to rob the gospel of power.
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