Being called out is a process when a member of the Black community publicly reviews a person’s Black card membership to begin the process of revocation by public shaming, disowning, correctional action or verbal abuse, or excommunication.
Read moreSo Woke You Throw Jesus Under The Bus . . .
So they’re saying that this woman is a better and a more moral person than Jesus and that this woman needed to call Jesus out on His sin in order to show Him the moral truth? That's what it sounds like to me.
Read moreRelevance Is The New Righteousness
If you can push off what’s wrong with you on someone else you’re never going to deal with your own sin and resultingly, you can never be saved by Jesus Christ. You will be lost.
Read moreMennonite Couple Robbed and Wife Murdered In Indianapolis
Jonathan and Wilma Hochstetler were known in their community for their kind hearts and generosity. Both raised Amish, they had been happily married for 17 years and had gone on multiple mission trips together.
Read moreOur Common Humanity
But, I thank God even more, that he put it into the heart of a stranger who may or may not have known God, to save another man's life regardless of his race.
Read moreMarxism and Black Lives Matter From A Black Adventist Perspective
They have been planning to do this for three years and the organization has gotten numerous democratic mayors to agree with them. Eventually, I believe the next thing they will try to do away with is the Bible because of how it was used and interpreted during slavery.
Read moreAn Analysis of The NAD's Justice And Racial Equality Initiative
The ‘Justice’ League
Joining social protests leads you into a spiral of political reaction that arouses resentment, hatred and anger, and leads people to stop focusing on Jesus and a better world to come.
Read moreWhy a Christian Should Not Get Involved With Black Lives Matter
Thus racism is the new witchcraft. Just like Salem's witches, it’s everywhere and in everything. But, if everything is racist, nothing is.
Read moreIf You're Not a Victim, You're Not Cool
Victimology also leads to the ultimate stage of absurdity where we hold people responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for things that they are doing today.
Read moreAll Lives Can Matter
Just when the rhetoric reached "broil" on the fireball scale, the hostile discussion was sidetracked by an unexpected four-word question.
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