I share all of this with you, because I am beyond appalled at the decision of the Michigan Conference to fire my father from the Village SDA Church.
Read moreLoma Linda University School of Medicine Goes (more) Woke
During Dr. Appel’s opening line, he announced, “After living and working for the last 20 years in Africa, I feel I’ve earned the right to be a little controversial and I intend to take advantage of that today."
Read moreThe Rise And Fall of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE)
Diversity Inclusion and Equity officers
DIE work has also become a liability, often a smokescreen for reverse racism and critical race theory.
Read moreIf You’re Woke, Do You Know It?
This illustrates how a controversial view may be mandated upon a nation and then transform a society—for example, today’s controversial view of being “woke”.
Read moreRelevance Is The New Righteousness
If you can push off what’s wrong with you on someone else you’re never going to deal with your own sin and resultingly, you can never be saved by Jesus Christ. You will be lost.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 5: White Fragility Theory and Christianity
Christianity, at its very core, is a positive and uniting religion because it sees humans as a single group. It teaches that “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). in contrast, critical race theory is intentional about dividing us.
Read moreThe April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium
The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.
Read moreOn Masks: Blessed are the Peacemakers
If we tolerate people’s preference for rock music in some churches, can’t we at least tolerate sincere convictions for smiling and foot-washing in others? That’s not asking a whole lot, really.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 3: Collectivist Roots and Shoots
Paul Kengor writes, “Marx was an atheist-utopian who envisioned a ‘new morality’ without God. The path to utopia was a classless albeit godless society.
Read moreWokeness Is a Religious Cult and It Is Coming Into The Church
The new religion of wokeness has as one of its founding principles the complete elimination of forgiveness for white people, offering only the withered olive branch of unending penance for the rest of your life.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 2: From Evergreen to the Purge
In short, what happened at Evergreen College in 2016-2017 is happening right now on the national scale in the United States. The woke danger is now impacting American life at the highest levels.
Read moreThe Danger of Wokeness (Part 1): Applied Postmodernism
We are saddened by incidents of unjust violence, but the reality is more nuanced than the claims of systemic racism. We should become aware of the deeply laid agendas which undergird the architecture of wokeness.
Read moreHow I Escaped the Cult of Social Justice
You can look at all the other characteristics of a cult and see that it lines up with a lot of those. I mean, you're not allowed to question SJW dogma. There is a pressure to isolate yourself from people who are ‘non-believers.’
Read moreHow To Be Cleansed Of Your White Privilege
The mad social justice impulse to eradicate “whiteness” is a campaign to eradicate forgiveness. Generational bitterness becomes a grid through which you view life—carrying everywhere the banner “Somebody owes me something” (James 3:14).
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