If the leadership at the top had responded to the pandemic by supporting liberty of conscience and promoting the health message, I wouldn’t be up at six in the morning writing this article.
Read moreCheerful Conservatism
Though joy has many enemies, it has one great Friend. Some of the last words of Jesus are: “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
Read more"Love one another" . . . How?
A loving Christian home is an environment in which everyone can thrive and mature, and where children will learn to love and trust God, and one another. It is also a powerful witness to the community about the ability of the Holy Spirit to heal human fear and selfishness.
Read moreOvercoming Feminism
Looking back at my spiritual journey, I see the mighty hand of God that transformed me from a raging feminist to a conservative Christian woman.
Read moreWhy We Should Be Thankful for Liberalism
As the darkness works to doom our world and as we suffer defeat after defeat, these defeats only serve to remind us that we must be better, that we must do more, learn more of God and become more in order to reflect His glory (Jude 24)
Read moreOvercoming Sexual Abuse, Addiction and Trauma
One day you will arrive at true freedom: when you think of your perpetrator you can pray for their mercy and grace (Matthew 5:44). Unforgiveness is the fuel to any addiction and the stronghold of victimization. True freedom is complete forgiveness.
Read moreWhat to Do ??
Because of the benefit we received from this booklet, we have shared many copies over the years with persons who were struggling as we were. We found it to be both encouraging and very personally challenging.
Read moreHow To Be Miserable
Politics cannot bring joy, hope and peace to your heart. You’ll be drawn into despising people on the other side and coming to regard them not as people but as cardboard cutouts representing all that’s loathsome in the world.
Read moreLeftists Hate God Because They Want His Job
Leftists’ war on God says less about him than it does about them. They are driven by a lust for control and a belief that mankind is infinitely malleable, as long as enough force is applied. Their real problem with God? They want His job.
Read moreIt's Time to Reconcile (conclusion)
How can I forgive them? If I am kind and loving toward them, they won’t realize how much they have hurt me. They need to be punished so they’ll see just how bad they are!
Read moreMeasuring The Strength of Israel
Today, it is very evident, based on the many signs now manifest, that spiritual Israel is facing imminent mortal combat with all of the forces of evil, both human, and angelic, on a scale none of us can presently conceive of.
Read moreAdventists Protesting Adventists
That’s the beauty about “freedom.” However, “freedom” as we know it, is rapidly disappearing. Social Justice is the new ruler, taking exception with God’s justice.
Read moreWouldn’t it be great if . . .
We had a balanced view of diet & lifestyle instead of insisting that righteousness is attained by eating a lettuce leaf and a whiff of steam? And we all sang “Marvelous Grace” together while sitting in a cave (ok, a large cave)?
Read moreSDA Pastoral Group Releases Christian Declaration of Conscience
The Church must not impede the promptings of the Holy Spirit upon an individual’s conscience nor do the bidding of the State by denigrating believers’ consciences.
Read moreVaccine Mandates And The Mark Of The Beast. Is There a Connection?
Do vaccine mandates, which can affect a person’s ability to earn an income if they don’t comply, foreshadow the approaching time when “no man can buy or sell, save he that has the Mark”?
Read morePart 1: Worldly Happiness, from Ideal To Worst
Satan’s vocabulary may be clipped but you, lawful and stupid captive of his, are easily overwhelmed. Against him, you don’t stand a chance. In his maw you’re a piece of cake. Gulped, gone. Only with Christ’s power do you have a shred of hope.
Read moreTurning Sadness Into Smiles
Jesus said “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:11).
Read moreThe Others
If we as Christians are truly honest with ourselves, we would understand that many of the world’s perils that we blame on “the others” are truly our fault.
Read moreCome, Christians, Zoom to Sing!
As we closed, I asked our hosts, “How long have you been doing this hymn sing? It’s fabulous—just what I needed to close the Sabbath!”
Read moreA New Year’s Resolution
The spiritual battles we fight do not come from the trials, circumstances, or people in our lives; they come from our own evil desires. “What causes fights and quarrels among you?” (James 4). How would you answer that question?
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