Our ‘Liberty’ leaders have invited the godless leftist camel into the church’s tent, while they gaze out the back of the tent with a telescope toward a virtually invisible ‘Christian Nationalist’ chimera.
Read moreA Hole in the Ground And a Hole in The Heart
These words nailed this woman to the ground. If she was uncomfortable before, she was frozen solid now. Time stood still as her soul was laid wide open by the sword of truth.
Read moreWhen Stones Speak
I implore my beloved Seventh-Day Adventist Church to rise to the challenge before our generation. Make sure that our local churches are ready to receive refugees from the sexual revolution and meet them with grace and the life-changing message of the gospel.
Read moreDistinguishing Church Militancy From Triumph
Thankfully, we are not of the sort that would abandon God’s church because of a struggle but rather we stand our ground in the midst, planting the everlasting banner of present truth, the Three Angels Messages.
Read moreGood News in Berrien Springs
God’s timing is perfect, and His ways sometimes past finding out! We are happy to inform you that Coming Out Ministries closed on the purchase last Thursday.
Read moreFrom Drugs to Jesus Christ
I stopped on the street thinking “I’m not going into any stinking church”. I can’t honestly say whether I was an atheist or an agnostic, but I didn’t want anything to do with God or church.
Read moreWhen God Guides: The Testimony of Zach and Rachel Smith
Never stop praying for your family, never stop sharing the joy,” Zach says. “People see the true joy that I have. Joy is what we all are searching for our whole lives. Only one Person can repair the breach. And that's Jesus. He's the joy.
Read moreNow it's Illegal To Help People Resolve LGBTQ in Australia
This is civil rights for the Christian. We must stand up to intense pressure from the culture, and here’s the question “How do you stand up to a culture that calls you a bigot at the beginning of the conversation?”
Read moreWhat's the Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Conclusion)
I could share numerous incidents of grave concern, as I am widely traveled and acutely aware of the powerful escalation of LGBT+ rights on our campuses and in our churches today.
Read moreWhat's The Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Part 1)
LGBTQ Activists have campaigned with legislative lobbying, bringing bills and claims before governments which impede upon both freedom of speech and religious freedom. This includes praying with someone who is voluntarily seeking to leave LGBT+ culture for Jesus Christ.
Read morePeace on Earth
We tend to be very thick-skinned when it comes to how we treat others and their opinions, but very thin-skinned when we evaluate how others treat us and our opinions. “Grow up”, “Don’t be so sensitive”, “Rub some dirt on it.”
Read moreFormer Adventist Review Editor Becomes Director at Homosexual Organization
Our world-loving spiritually-confused church has a heavy infestation of these folks. Except for repentance, some church leaders today will be the champions of sin tomorrow.
Read moreIntimacy With God Is Better Than Sex
In America, as well as around the globe, these experiences might fall under a heading of “sexual intimacy.” We have fallen victim to developing a relationship with sex, instead of its Designer.
Read moreAre You Related To Lot's Wife?
Worship is a routine formality that just happens to fall on the seventh day of the week. Would you withstand persecution for it? Would we currently withstand persecution for anything pertaining to God?
Read moreIssues in Music And Worship
Unholy music has boldly walked into the church and transformed it from a house of prayer into a citadel of revelry and counterfeit worship, with emotionalism and 'much excitement but little repentance from sin!
Read moreThe First Casualty
I believe that the Seventh-day Adventist church knew truth once upon a time. Something happened to us. We traded the truth for convenience, sacrificed our distinctive message for acceptance.
Read moreA New Year’s Resolution
The spiritual battles we fight do not come from the trials, circumstances, or people in our lives; they come from our own evil desires. “What causes fights and quarrels among you?” (James 4). How would you answer that question?
Read moreGod's Enemy
I reached up to pull the communication microphone in front of my lips when the explosion ripped the night. The green view disappeared, and my stand went out from under me as the truck pitched wildly.
Read moreAmazing Testimonies From Two Men Who Grew Up in The 1960's Hippie Era
The summer of 1968 found me rioting on the streets of Chicago at the Democratic National Convention. My father was one of the police officers on the other side of the line.
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