Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

The Nazis worked relentlessly to take over the church, with most Germans happy with their new leader. Rules were eventually made requiring all pastors to take an oath of obedience to the Fuhrer. Most pastors took the oath.

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An Open Letter to Ganoune Diop

You and other Adventist leaders have been implementing an Adventist-Marxist fusion by permitting social justice movements (and other philosophies) to flourish in Adventist institutions and churches whilst crowding out those who maintain loyalty to the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.

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My Troubling Experiences With Adventist Education

More recently, about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law took a religion class at Loma Linda University from David Larson in which he very emotionally defended homosexuality.

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Women’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise (Part 2)

Given the theological equivalence of pastors and elders, why did our world church administrators neglect to deal with the question of whether or not, on the basis of Scripture, women may be ordained as elders?

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On Masks: Blessed are the Peacemakers

If we tolerate people’s preference for rock music in some churches, can’t we at least tolerate sincere convictions for smiling and foot-washing in others? That’s not asking a whole lot, really.

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Courage in The Netherlands

Now I ask only one thing of you, my F7 brethren: please remember the Dutch brethren in your prayers? The women’s ordination conflict has required much of our energies. It may cost many their eternal life.

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Neutering or Killing? A Response to George Knight's Book (Part 2)

An alarming warning should be sounded immediately and a firewall built to resist these erroneous views as contained in Knight’s favorite small book to prevent them from shattering the scriptural advent faith.

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Homosexuality Is a Choice (part 2)

Ingrained in society is the notion that homosexuals cannot change. This stance is not only incorrect, but a subtle yet direct attack against Christianity and a clever attempt to rob the gospel of power.

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