As soon as we see this marriage to Jezebel we see Baal worship spreading throughout the kingdom with Ahab establishing a house of Baal and an altar for him.
Read moreWHO Global Pandemic Biosecurity State is Looming
Interestingly, 2,000 years ago Bible prophecy foretold a crisis global in scope in which governments would exercise force over individual conscience. Isn’t it time to look again at what the Bible foretells?
Read moreGod Protects Halloween ?
Halloween is a time to celebrate all things evil and creepy. Halloween is also a time where it is believed the dead spirits can communicate with the living.
Read more'We're Here, We're Queer And We're Coming For Your Children'
Conservatives: 'The LGBTQ mob is coming for your children.' 'The left: 'You are making it all up. That's a nutty conspiracy theory.' 'LGBTQ parade last Friday: “We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children.''
Read moreA Third Wave Feminist Icon Discovers There is a Great Controversy Going On
What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics. Something else, something spiritual must have done that. And I speak as a devoted rationalist and third generation feminist.
Read moreBonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
The Nazis worked relentlessly to take over the church, with most Germans happy with their new leader. Rules were eventually made requiring all pastors to take an oath of obedience to the Fuhrer. Most pastors took the oath.
Read moreResisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform
Many in the German Army didn’t understand their crimes until decades after the war ended. Don’t wait to reflect until a future historian writes a book about how you supported tyranny by placing conformity above human rights.
Read moreThe Real Anthony Fauci
Look out your window and see; it is as though the whole world is taken captive, riding aboard a speeding train, and headed toward a technocratic rainbow destination which we will learn too late—is only a mirage.
Read moreThe Blind Shall See, But What Then We?
This — this is scary, metaphysically scary. In contrast to hapless human mismanagement, this darkness has the tinge of the pure, elemental evil that underlay and gave such hideous beauty to the theatrics of Nazism…
Read morePope’s New Foundation Promotes Pantheism
The goal of the Jesuit order is to undo all that Protestantism has done. This would not only include the teachings of Protestantism, but also the political and economic ideologies brought forth from it.
Read moreKidnapped Hostages in Haiti Make Daring Overnight Escape
15 of 17 hostages that are now free from their captors in Haiti.
The group, which included a 10-month-old infant and three other children, used the stars and a nearby mountain to orient them as they walked as far as 12 miles through woods and thickets, making a daring overnight escape.
Read moreBuild Back Better, The Great Reset and The Green Dystopia--We are the Carbon They Want To Eliminate
The greater agenda is not about a virus or the public health, but about gaining total power. Though it may seem that everything is falling apart, instead everything is falling into place.
Read moreThe Knowledge of Evil
In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan, those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break His Law in obedience to earthly powers, they will be forbidden to buy or sell.
Read more#2 Open Letter From Young Adventist To Glenn Townend Regarding Avondale
When young, Bible-believing Christians see Avondale compromising like this, we cringe. Our church's college is accepting the Left agenda, not swimming against the tide of our culture, but going with the flow like a dead fish.
Read moreRoman Catholic Principles Vs. Protestant Principles of Freedom
The Reformation introduced a trajectory of freedom—from a massive medieval submissiveness to the state—towards individual emancipation by its emphasis on the Bible.
Read moreWebsites Report Witches Are Casting Spells To Defeat The President in US Election
Here, intersectional feminist politics work alongside magic and creative media production to engage in political activism that includes advocacy around issues like affordable housing, reproductive rights and #BlackLivesMatter.
Read moreMennonite Couple Robbed and Wife Murdered In Indianapolis
Jonathan and Wilma Hochstetler were known in their community for their kind hearts and generosity. Both raised Amish, they had been happily married for 17 years and had gone on multiple mission trips together.
Read moreHow To Avoid Returning Evil For Evil
The good news is there are Three mighty heavenly Beings who are constantly at work to take our desire for something better and turn that into a knowledge of the plan of salvation.
Read moreAnarchy and Tyranny
Do you think it’s wise for us to run from Romanism into anarchy and into the open arms of Marxism, falsely called ‘social justice?’ Is the atheistic authoritarian state friendly to religious liberty? No!
Read moreC.S. Lewis’ Critique on Subjective Morality and its Application to Homosexuality
The minority guides the majority in matters of morality. This is seen today in the redefining of morality by homosexuals, a minority in the population.
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