If the popes were unable to bring peace and righteousness for more than a millennium to the peoples over whom they ruled, how will they be able to unite the nations under the Roman Catholic banner?
Read moreBeth Barr, The Making of Biblical Womanhood—Kirkpatrick Reacts
I’m looking at Barr’s book because some members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church have been attempting to introduce the practice of women’s ordination (WO) to the gospel ministry.
Read morePart 2: Not As The World Giveth, Give I
Oh come on, it isn’t THAT bad!, you old conspiracy-monger, you toxic doomsayer! You’re an evil demon spewing hate, racism, and disinformation. You’re an embarrassment to our emergent, woke church and a dire threat to evolving utopian society.
Read morePart 1: Worldly Happiness, from Ideal To Worst
Satan’s vocabulary may be clipped but you, lawful and stupid captive of his, are easily overwhelmed. Against him, you don’t stand a chance. In his maw you’re a piece of cake. Gulped, gone. Only with Christ’s power do you have a shred of hope.
Read moreTrans Vs. Terfs
It’s getting a bit pear-shaped out there. The intellectually and biologically malnourished transgender crowd are on a crash course with feminism to claw their way up the intersectional feather tree.
Read moreThe Phantom of “Christian Nationalism”
Some Adventists warn against the danger of “Christian nationalism,” but is that a real concern?
Read moreThere's Something Really Fishy Going On With Conferences & Unions in The NAD
But there are those, who are unconverted and use members and church structure as a political playing field for power, office or prestige. The church exists for spiritual purposes, not political ones! And ministers are to be spiritual leaders, not politicians, position seekers, or timeservers!
Read moreDid Eve Sin Before She Ate?
Because see, the Devil already was up in the tree in full contact with it and its fruit! She was away from her husband, away from the angels, and away from God. No wonder she was confused without their wisdom and counsel.
Read moreAre You Related To Lot's Wife?
Worship is a routine formality that just happens to fall on the seventh day of the week. Would you withstand persecution for it? Would we currently withstand persecution for anything pertaining to God?
Read moreTurning Sadness Into Smiles
Jesus said “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:11).
Read moreThe Clothes Make The Man
Every year, certain groups gather to discuss who the best-dressed, and worst-dressed, men and women are. While the world may concern itself with what a man wears on the outside, God is far more concerned with what a person wears on the inside.
Read moreThe Woke Danger 5: White Fragility Theory and Christianity
Christianity, at its very core, is a positive and uniting religion because it sees humans as a single group. It teaches that “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). in contrast, critical race theory is intentional about dividing us.
Read moreA German Legacy of Shame
In an effort to protect themselves, they became complicit in Hitler’s persecution of the Jews and fellow Christians. Now, predictably, they have jumped on the bandwagon with those who accuse the world church of being a “misogynistic” church.
Read moreThe April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium
The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.
Read moreBlueberry Evangelist
Family members needed to know God’s end-time messages. Where could she begin? She began by regularly attending her new church home and participating wholeheartedly. She introduced her husband and friends to her new church family.
Read moreA Third Open Letter to Glenn Townend, SPD President
It is clear that Avondale has staff who are quietly influencing young SDAs towards full acceptance of LGBTQIA relationships, as I hope to show you in coming days.
Read moreShipwrecked College Faith and Recovery
Let the students attending our colleges beware of many pitfalls which they will encounter while attending an Adventist college. Don’t be like me when I thought an Adventist college was an extended arm to help me in faith building.
Read moreChanging the Political and Religious Colors of The United States
He also said that the more the government expands, the more individual freedoms are curtailed, because God is discarded in favor of the government.
Read moreTal Bachman: Wokism Answers Nones' Need for Meaning
Tal Bachman argues that, as horrible as we find the ideology of critical race theory, the otherwise religion-less Millennials, the “nones", are finding meaning and purpose in “wokism”
Read moreRetiring GC Secretary and GC Treasurer Both Replaced At Spring Council Today
Out of several names that were suggested for this position, the nominating committee chose Erton Kohler, the previous South American Division President. The motion to elect (Item 301) was voted on at 8:26 AM this morning.
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