Pastor Warns That Calling Jesus "Savior" Might Offend People From Other Religions

Pastor Brent Hawkes of The Metropolitan Community Church in Toronto, Canada, thinks that calling Jesus "Savior" is offensive to people of other faiths and the title should be removed from the church.

He also thought marrying gay men was fine, even before it was legal in Canada. That certainly helps explain this heretical nonsense.

To be a Christian means to believe that Jesus Christ is Savior. Brent Hawkes may not have gotten the memo, as he believes this is too offensive to Muslims, Jews, and other religions.

There’s only one problem with this guy’s theology: Everything. The Bible itself calls Him ‘Lord’, ‘Savior’, ‘King’ - and it’s not open for debate or censorship based on what anyone feels or thinks.

Our question to people in his congregation. Why haven’t you wiped the dust off your feet and left this church? I sincerely hope this guy isn’t part of the ecumenical group hug that PARL regularly takes part of.

Mohammed is a false prophet, Roman Catholicism is a false system of worship, Mormonism is a false religion, Judaism is a Christ-less shell of meaningless traditions, Hinduism is a false religion, along with Buddhism, and Scientology.

Jesus is our Savior. Only Jesus. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).


"And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world" (1 John 4:14).