Some may know the the results of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism, however I’m sure a small minority of us do not know the Roman Catholic roots of it.
In order to understand this, we must go back in time between the Bible and Rome. Much of Christian civilization today is being pushed away such as the Bible, the Laws of God which used to be the foundation of common law in the world, especially English-speaking nations such as England (going back to Alfred the Great). The Great Reformers were burned and killed, due to having a Bible (going back to the Inquisition).
Even during the year 1843 in John Dowling’s book Bible Burners reveal how Catholic Priests were burning Bibles. Many of the Reformers believed when Christ said in (Matthew 24:24). “For there shall arise false Christs…” in plural meant (among other individuals) the multitude of Popes claiming to be Christ.
In fact, a Catholic Bishop has this to say concerning a contest between him and the Pope in Constantinople:
“Still it is very distressing, and hard to be borne with patience, that my aforesaid brother and fellow-bishop [John of Constantinople], despising all others, should attempt to be called sole bishop. But in this pride of his what else is denoted than that the times of Antichrist are already near at hand?" (Gregory the Great, Book V, Epistle XXI. To Constantina Augusta).
The Jesuits had their own Bible — the Douay Rheims Bible — however they didn’t even allow the Catholics to even read that Bible either. In fact regular Catholic Priests did not learn the Bible. That is why it was historic; why Luther and various Catholic Priests who then became Protestants, opened and use the Bible. The Dark Ages was dominant at the time, The Dark Ages in its original term was the lack of light from God’s Word. In fact the public education system began with the Old Deluder Satan Act “ye old deluder, Satan to keep men from the knowledge of ye Scriptures as in former times.” However ,the public schools have changed, what has happened, what has changed ?
Now Let us go into the Counter Reformation which will help answer our question. The whole purpose of the Counter Reformation was to overturn everything Protestantism brought and bring us back to the Dark Ages. Which we know will happen again. The very foundation of the Reformation was the Bible. What would the Jesuits response be?
“The Jesuits” by J.A. Wylie 1881:
“If these governments will return to their obedience to the Sea of Rome, the Jesuits will exert themselves to the utmost to extinguish Communism. But if these Governments shall maintain their present attitude to the Vatican, if they persist in declining the CONCORDATS and canon law of Rome, they will be left to reckon with the Communists as best they may. Nay, The Jesuits, in the end of the day, will make common cause with Communism, and will use this newsprung force to wreak their vengeance on those Governments which have lifted up the heel against their liege lord, and obstinately refuse to their obedience to a ruler who claims to be the moral and political sovereign of all Christendom, the king of all its kings.” - Wylie, The Jesuits: their Moral Maxims and Plots against Kings, Nations, and Churches, Page 103.
The question is why would Catholicism adopt communism etc? After all, Communism is really militant atheism. Part of jesuit history was that they were kicked out of their own Catholic countries more than 40 times, due to their fellow Catholics realizing that the jesuits were doing witchcraft, satanism, and immorality directly against Christianity. Even the Pope banished them, then coming back in the 19th century.
Luigi Taparelli
I Introduce you to Jesuit Priest Taparelli who coined the Phrase “Social Justice.” Some people argue that the term was used before him, however Taparelli used it as a unified term, than those before him. “Catholic Social Doctrine”, “Catholic Social Justice.” It’s even a part of the Catholic Catechism. It's really socialism that they teach. Taparelli was influenced heavily by Thomas Aquinas who taught that it was justifiable to steal if starving according to his book “Summa Thelogica.” The Jesuits took Thomas’ justifiable theft and then turned it into redistribution of wealth. Jesuit General Beckx was accused by the German government for conspiring and working with Karl Marx, making the Jesuits banned from Germany on July 4, 1872 until 1917.
(Photo From American Magazine)
In an article not too long ago, Pope Francis was able to meet with a Latin American Leader, and the Latin American Leader is showing the cross with a Communism symbol. Even many conservative Catholics realize Pope Francis is sending these mix messages affirming his view on Marxism. Communism is Rome’s modern-day open Inquisition — using the same methods of destroying Bibles, undermine faith in the Bible, Etc.
The Evidence is overwhelming. I can show you more of the issue and the Catholic roots of such a movement. However as the Remnant, we should be asking ourselves “Should we be really engaged in this movement ?”
I would respond by saying, “NO.”
While Ellen White encourages us to help the poor and the needy, she did not say the Government is to be our savior. We as a church are to help the poor and needy, not as the world does it though, but as God instructs us to do it. We are not called to march and Protest on the Streets of D.C. We are called to represent the Kingdom of Christ. I pray that this article truly shows more of the toxicity of using the term Social Justice in our churches.
Rome is advancing heavily, and it is our time now to share the Three Angels messages around the world. Satan is using this Social justice Movement for his final deception. We cannot serve the Social Justice Movement, and God.
Choose one or the other !
Carlos has been through Morton Ranch High School and Public School most of his life, and went to Jefferson Christian Academy to finish his schooling. He then canvassed with Ouachita Hills College for One Summer and is a Graduate of the SALT Program by It Is Written and Southern Adventist University.