I am a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist, the grandson of a Seventh-day Adventist minister, A.D. McKee. I have always believed the Seventh-day Adventist message and I believe it now more than ever.
Read moreWhy the Liberty Appeal?
If we fail to preach liberty of conscience, including a free-will choice to accept righteousness by faith, we lose the power of the third angel’s message, and instead, concede to the coercive methods of the beast.
Read moreEnduring Till the End In An Increasingly Hostile Environment
If the leadership at the top had responded to the pandemic by supporting liberty of conscience and promoting the health message, I wouldn’t be up at six in the morning writing this article.
Read moreThe Seventh-day Adventist Case for Trump
Should Seventh-day Adventists vote on Tuesday?
Read moreA Lot of Churches Are Requesting That The GC Drop The 2015 Jab Statement
During the last four years, the General Conference (GC) of the Seventh-Day Adventist church encouraged members to participate in government mandates.
Read moreUpdated Stats On The Conrad Vine Viral Story
This issue is now way bigger than Conrad Vine. It is how an aloof hierarchy in the church deals with legitimate questions, canceling people or deplatforming them.
Read moreLiberty & Health Alliance Issues Statement to Church Members
We believe in a God who never changes, nor does His truth. We believe that the Lord will have a Remnant that will meet Him at His return.
Read moreImpartially Examining The Evidence!
What is the worst imaginable thing that can happen if I accept this new model as true, but it turns out to be false, or if I reject this new model as false, but it turns out to be true?
Read moreNegative Thoughts
I was alive, I was loved, the birds were singing. I was in love with living. The most incredible thing was that for the first time in 39-years I knew my heavenly Father loved me, and I felt emotionally His love.
Read moreLet's Get Back to the Basics on Church and State Separation
Rights of conscience that we have taken for granted in this country have been trampled, and within Adventism experts who are supposedly our foremost defenders of religious liberty have excused and defended these abuses.
Read moreLiberty of Conscience
Remember the great price that Jesus has paid so that we could be free moral agents. This means we must not command the conscience of another, but in love encourage others to make right choices.
Read moreReligious Liberty Sabbath at Village Church, My Report
Friend, your freedoms are on the line. To have religious liberty you have to have liberty. If you have no liberty you have no religious liberty.
Read moreConrad Vine: Megatrends Impacting Religious Liberty
Revelation 13 speaks of an end-time crisis, just before the return of Jesus Christ, in which global economic sanctions are imposed on God’s faithful children. How would such global sanctions work?
Read moreHitchens: Seizure of Power over the Mind—Kirkpatrick Reacts
I'm not here to incite gloom. But I want you to see it happening today, and have your part in preventing it from becoming reality tomorrow—at least in your church.
Read morePharmakeia and the Final Test
The scope and size of civil governments have swelled to unprecedented proportions. This is true worldwide, almost without exception. Previously democratic societies have been transformed into veritable police states almost overnight.
Read moreMy Motion To Discuss The 2015 ADCOM Statement on Monday at GC Session
We are all part of the family, no matter how dysfunctional. Let’s fix it. The solution, in my opinion, will start with a thorough understanding of religious liberty and church governance. Don’t leave, I’m not.
Read moreCensorship and The GC Session Agenda
The conference may legally own facilities, but spiritually, it stewards them on behalf of God’s people. For noteworthy speakers, internet popularity and the ability to rent other facilities provide a workaround.
Read moreThe Mark of Cain and Covid “vaccine” Coercion
It is impossible to miss the fact that the animus in the story is all one-directional. Cain was angry with Abel. Cain entered into controversy with Abel. Cain killed Abel. There is no record in the Scriptures or the Spirit of Prophecy that Abel had animus toward Cain.
Read moreThe New Censorship
The place where God speaks to the person is in the conscience. It is where we reason with God (Isa 1:18-20). For this reason, the conscience is hallowed ground. Protection of the conscience is the essence of religious liberty.
Read moreThe Priesthood of Experts?
In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, health is not a cordoned-off domain where lady justice, pink hair flying and nose rings flaring, bars God’s entry with flaming sword.
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