Though our GC president has challenged us to Hold Him Accountable, where is the mechanism where we can dialogue and pursue truth? How can we hold leaders accountable?
Read moreA Sin Often Unseen
Does this mean that everything every individual minister, ruler, or conference leader does is right, or that they will never make mistakes, or that it is impossible for them to commit sin? Hardly!
Read moreCheerful Conservatism
Though joy has many enemies, it has one great Friend. Some of the last words of Jesus are: “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
Read moreWhy Men Must Lead
And when our protectors are absent who are the victims? Emasculated men create a dangerous world that leave women as prey. This was the enemy’s plan in Genesis 3 and continues in Revelation 12.
Read moreFighting Where the Battle is at: A Wake-up Call to SDA Leadership
Western civilization, as it stands today, is on the path of self-destruction. And the issues currently at stake are not the Sabbath or the Sanctuary. Those are not at the heart of the battle at the moment.
Read moreAppointed or Annointed ??
If history teaches us anything it should be that the process is not a perfect path to the perfect person. Elections have put individuals in place who were unfit, unequipped for the task, and uniquely unqualified.
Read moreFeminism in the Church--Role Playing (Part 2)
A common myth is that Paul restricts women from teaching because in the first century, women were typically uneducated. However, this text nowhere mentions educational status.
Read moreBonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
The Nazis worked relentlessly to take over the church, with most Germans happy with their new leader. Rules were eventually made requiring all pastors to take an oath of obedience to the Fuhrer. Most pastors took the oath.
Read moreWho Will Hold Our Leaders Accountable?
What does it mean to be a priesthood of believers? Should church leadership be allowed to speak for the individual conscience of its membership? Especially when the church believes itself to be the most advanced denomination of the Protestant reformation?
Read moreInterview With Derek Sloan, Conservative Adventist MP in Canada
There is no question we are very close to a time where charitable status will be subject to some type of ideological litmus test and traditional views on sex and marriage could be a defining line for who gets to be a 501 3(c) organization and who does not.
Read moreQualifications For Watchmen
Who are these antagonists of the faithful watchman? Those who try to destroy the influence of the watchman, who give and spread false reports, criticize, and maintain decided opposition to them.
Read moreChanging Leaders: Understanding The Times (part 1)
“Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach,” (Joel 2:17) and let me not make things worse.
Read moreChurch Leadership and Lay Member Involvement (Conclusion)
In conclusion, we are seeing growing numbers of unfaithful leaders using a less than perfect governance system to their advantage.
Read moreChurch Leadership and Lay Member Involvement (Part 3)
I remember one agenda item, that I—for good reasons—strongly opposed. The agenda item was ultimately approved by the committee, because the officers were in favor of it.
Read moreChurch Leadership and Lay Member Involvement (Part 2)
The Church officers group, has at times, become a “good old boys club” that rigorously protect themselves at election time.
Read moreChurch Leadership and Lay Member Involvement (part 1)
We don’t seem to be coworkers with the organized Church, but rather there seems to be an us-and-them situation, with the “them” being in charge.
Read moreFemale Clergy As Agents Of Religious Change
In general, clergywomen are clearly changing the Church in a more liberal direction. They do it in various ways: they change the perception of faith and dogma, the policies of the church as well as daily practices in parishes.
Read moreAm I My Brother's Keeper?
I remember a meeting some years ago I had with a Conference President. The topic of discussion was rebels in his conference who weren’t doing what he wanted.
Read moreElder Wilson Delivers Stirring Speech on Unity at Leadership Summit
The resulting unity far supersedes any privately held convictions after items have been carefully reviewed by the world church and decisions have been taken.
Read moreShocking Discoveries From Operating The Unity in Truth Website
One point that needs to be clear is that if you’re not willing to stand up in your own church you’ll never stand up in the world.
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