Dear Liberal Adventism, Your Fascination With Deviant Sexuality Is Showing

Liberal adventists like celebrating stuff. It gets your heart rate up, and is way more exciting than humbling yourself in this anti-typical Day of Atonement. Its…it’s…it’s like dancing around an idol at the foot of Sinai.

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My Troubling Experiences With Adventist Education

More recently, about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law took a religion class at Loma Linda University from David Larson in which he very emotionally defended homosexuality.

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We Ought To Hear Both Sides Of The Story Regarding Vaccines

As a mentor of mine said to me on the phone the other day, “Scott, remember this: there will be many in heaven who took the COVID vaccines and many in heaven who did not take the COVID vaccines... but there will be no one in heaven who used coercion.”

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Women’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise, and the Adventist Slide into the LGBTQ Morass (Part 3)

The problem with the social justice platform of the progressive wing of Adventism is that it is more beholden to the philosophies and ideologies of contemporary society than it is to the authority of Scripture.

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Women’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise (Part 2)

Given the theological equivalence of pastors and elders, why did our world church administrators neglect to deal with the question of whether or not, on the basis of Scripture, women may be ordained as elders?

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Women’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise (Part 1)

The NAD’s strategy to place as many women as possible into pastoral ministry will set the stage for a move toward individualism and congregationalism within its own territory.

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