Outwardly, the ‘Pope in lockdown,’ cut off from the people looked helpless. Yet those close to him told me the opposite: that he was energized by what he saw as a threshold moment, and the movement of spirits beneath its surface.
Read moreDeclaring Independence Again: Coercion and Liberty of Conscience
There will be people in heaven who took the vaccine; and there will be people in heaven who did not take the vaccine. But there will be nobody in heaven who bowed down to the idol of coercion.
Read moreWhat Was in the Ark of the Covenant? (Part 2). Understanding Hebrews 9:1-5
Remember, Paul emphasizes that he is not speaking about the details. In Hebrew 9 he is simply comparing the High Priestly service of Jesus in heaven to the service of the high priest on earth. That is his main goal and reason for argumentation.
Read moreWhat Was in the Ark of the Covenant?
The next morning the rod of Aaron bloomed. And then we read that the Lord commands to bring the rod again before the testimony to be kept as a perpetual remembrance.
Read moreDear Liberal Adventism, Your Fascination With Deviant Sexuality Is Showing
Liberal adventists like celebrating stuff. It gets your heart rate up, and is way more exciting than humbling yourself in this anti-typical Day of Atonement. Its…it’s…it’s like dancing around an idol at the foot of Sinai.
Read moreIs “The Chosen” worth Choosing?
When I first saw the first video trailers on Facebook I largely ignored it. I was too cheap to plunk down money. But when the producers made the first season tantalizingly free to watch, my curiosity kicked in…
Read moreDear Alex Bryan, Politics Is An Empty Substitute For True Religion
I am speaking as a former Progressive SDA. Years ago I saw that Progressive SDA’s were moving away from actual progress in theological terms and replacing theology with progressive political views.
Read moreMy Troubling Experiences With Adventist Education
More recently, about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law took a religion class at Loma Linda University from David Larson in which he very emotionally defended homosexuality.
Read moreIs God Really a She? — Let Your Voice Be Heard
The article received a lot of attention and was shared by hundreds of people who were very concerned about this pastor.
Read moreHow to be AntiRacist
At every turn, whether it is feminism, gayness, lesbianism, racism, transgenderism, Kendi aligns with the new views all occupied with critiquing, deconstructing, revising, reenvisioning the important history and values which underwrite our civilization.
Read moreWe Ought To Hear Both Sides Of The Story Regarding Vaccines
As a mentor of mine said to me on the phone the other day, “Scott, remember this: there will be many in heaven who took the COVID vaccines and many in heaven who did not take the COVID vaccines... but there will be no one in heaven who used coercion.”
Read moreA Spiritual Vaccination
Many so called Christians are walking around believing they are perfect, spiritual-looking persons yet infecting those around them with a spirit of wickedness. Jesus pointed this out to the Jewish Rulers of his time in Matthew 23:27:
Read moreThere’s Too Much Fear Around Here
Whether it is standing on top of Pulpit Rock in Norway with no safety ropes or flying 9.5 hours across the ocean in a metal tube, risk is inherent in human life. All good adventures come with risk.
Read moreLive Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents
It is time to resolve to walk in truth, and live not by lies, no matter the cost.
Read moreWomen’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise, and the Adventist Slide into the LGBTQ Morass (Part 3)
The problem with the social justice platform of the progressive wing of Adventism is that it is more beholden to the philosophies and ideologies of contemporary society than it is to the authority of Scripture.
Read moreWomen’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise (Part 2)
Given the theological equivalence of pastors and elders, why did our world church administrators neglect to deal with the question of whether or not, on the basis of Scripture, women may be ordained as elders?
Read moreWomen’s Ordination, the San Antonio Compromise (Part 1)
The NAD’s strategy to place as many women as possible into pastoral ministry will set the stage for a move toward individualism and congregationalism within its own territory.
Read moreThe Centurions - A Meditation on Memorial Day
Scripture has nothing bad to say about the Roman centurions. What are we to make of this?
Read moreUnrecognized Blessing
So, I went and knelt under the car. “Father in heaven, I have done all I know to do. I cannot get this part to line up, no matter what I try. Will you help?”
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