Rhode Island Democrats Propose Doubling Taxes On The Unvaccinated

Individuals will be fined 50 dollars, their personal income tax will be doubled, and employers will be fined $5,000 a month for each "unvaccinated" employee. This bill makes no allowance for religious exemptions, or natural immunity, which even Pfizer admits is highly effective.

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God's Mercy and Truth in Uganda, A Testimony From John Negro Lugoloobi

In 2014 I went to visit a friend deep in the village and I found some kids starving. They were orphans. My heart went out to them. Being an orphan too, I prayed for them and gave them the coins I had. As I prayed for them, my heart always prompted me to go visit them.

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It's YOUR Conscience

Due to the sacred nature of conscience, coercion of conscience is an infringement of God's domain. To violate conscience is to violate God's work and man's dignity. Forcing conscience undercuts man's right to communicate with God.

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Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

The Nazis worked relentlessly to take over the church, with most Germans happy with their new leader. Rules were eventually made requiring all pastors to take an oath of obedience to the Fuhrer. Most pastors took the oath.

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