My Name is John Negro Lugoloobi from Uganda. I am a Seventh-day Adventist christian living in Uganda, a small country in the East African part. I live in a small village called Kiyoola in the Mukono District.
I joined the church when I was 12 years old after the death of my parents who died of Aids in 2004. I was left with 4 sisters, Aidah , Sandra, Shifrah and Emmy.
I had to take care of them. God is good, He also used some people to help us. One of the men who used to help us with some food was a Seventh-day Adventist and he really inspired us to join the SDA Church. My sisters were young because by the time my parents died, Aidah was 5 years old, Sandra was 3 years old, Shifrah was 2 years and then Emma was one year old.
I got so attracted to the church , and by the time the man died I had loved the SDA church. So I later joined SEETA SDA church in central Uganda, when I was twelve years old.
My Desire to Help Others
In 2014 I went to visit a friend deep in the village and I found some kids starving. They were orphans. My heart went out to them. Being an orphan too, I prayed for them and gave them the coins I had. As I prayed for them, my heart always prompted me to go visit them. That’s when I started visiting different poor families and praying for them.
I asked God to help me provide Bibles to his people. God was so good, some people donated Bibles and me and my friends started going to villages and giving Bibles to those who could not afford them. You see, a Bible here costs over $4. We used to go back and check on these people, and we would ask them to share what they have learned., These rural poor places have no churches and people really are starving for Christ. We do the best that we can.
We collect old clothes, leftover food and take it to those deep in villages with no food Their main needs are food, soap, and kerosene,
I kept asking for food in urban centres and took them to some families in village and tell them God provides them if you have faith in him. Some families began calling on me to preach to them and many asked for Bibles. That’s how it started, I became a preacher by necessity.
Some Stories
I have never traveled out of Uganda , but i'm praying about it. My sisters are well and helping me in the mission work sometimes.
After praying so hard, a good Samaritan that we have never seen in person talked to me on social media after watching my mission work for a while. He fund raised a piece of land for us, Glory be to God.
Early this year, another person donated a well for us and we put it on this land. This well with clean water has helped over 1500 people get water for free. It is very clean water.
What is Needed?
Our prayers now, we need God to provide with a building on the land, where we shall have a hospital room for disabled, a praying room and other guest rooms.. We also need more Bibles, plus clothes and food.
Some people have donated to us wheelchairs for the disabled kids with cerebral palsy in different poor villages. That helps them.
I am so happy. The Lord has used me to preach the Gospel by helping the needy and the disabled kids and God is using a few people to provide. We also need more prayers.
We welcome any small help from any where. You can use our donation link on our website below...
John Negro Lugoloobi
Our mission
I also have a Facebook page.
“During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9).