On March 18, 2024, Potomac Conference "ordained" Joanne Cortes to the gospel ministry. In this video, I outline an approach to the present emergency in which YOU can directly and immediately participate!
Read morePastor Larry Kirkpatrick: Potomac Ordains Female LGBTQ Advocate
Although Seventh-day Adventists have agreed according to the Bible and church order in multiple General Conference Sessions not to ordain women to the gospel ministry, the Potomac Conference just ordained Joanne Cortes to the gospel ministry.
Read moreGaithersburg SDA Church Sets up GoFundMe Page To Cover Snatched Funds
During the dust up between the Potomac Conference and the Gaithersburg Congregation, many people were asking if they could help the Gaithersburg Church financially. Now you can.
Read moreThe Ability of Conferences To Bully Churches Just Took a Hit at Annual Council
This image was chosen to illustrate the necessary excavation that is sometimes performed on Church policies and procedures.
We are grateful for the positive changes happening at this meeting, and for faithful SDA members who work on the front lines and behind the scenes to advance the Lord’s cause.
Read moreDoug Batchelor Preaches at Southern Asian Adventist Church in Potomac Conference
Fulcrum7 spoke to a member of the SASDAC this afternoon. He said the sermon went great, and was well attended.
Read moreResisting Church Authority Abuse 6: Guest Speakers Manual Change & Call for Revisitation
A change of substantial and destructive import was introduced into the latest edition of the Church Manual. This change seems to grant conferences veto power over which guest speakers local churches might be able to invite.
Read moreResisting Church Authority Abuse 4: Limitations on Pastoral Authority
Representative governance on the congregational level is a necessity; having a pastor is a luxury. Even so, a godly pastor who empowers and equips the membership is an important asset to a congregation.
Read moreThe Gaithersburg Congregation Sends an Open Letter To The Potomac Conference
Observing our steadfastness in inviting Pastor Bohr, Pastor Baca determined that the church elders would no longer be recognized as official elders. He then determined the same for our church board which had been elected in accordance with the church manual. Such authority does not reside in a pastor.
Read moreGaithersburg SDA Issues Official Statement on Church "Looting"
They have stripped us of all the belongings of the church, but they will never strip us of the presence of God. We do not doubt that the Lord will provide everything necessary to start from scratch again and will continue to guide us until we reach the Heavenly Canaan.
Read moreResisting Church Authority Abuse (Part 1)
The Church Manual actually codifies several ways in which powers and authorities in the Church are limited exactly because authority in the church rests in the membership, not in power-grasping bullies.
Read moreOpen Letter to Potomac Conference Surfaces
You knew it and you did nothing. I wonder if the Sligo church received the same reprimand that the Roanoke church received. I’m sure not, as you sent out the video saying that it’s important that we listen to their heresy.
Read morePotomac Conference Sends Warning Letter to Wrong Church
The official letter threatens to remove the Roanoke Church from the "sisterhood of churches of the Potomac Conference" if they did not mend their ways.
Read moreListening with Love: We Listened, and This is What We Heard
"A queer Kiss-In, in front of the GC headquarters with lots of Drag Queens. That is what we need to organize. Would that make Ted NC Wilson clutch his pearls? Show him that love is love. And God loves us even if Ted doesn't."
Read moreConferences And Churches Working Together
The early church was not without similar problems like what some churches today are facing. None other than the loving Apostle John was disinvited to speak to churches. His letters could not even be read publicly.
Read moreAn Unwashed Thumb In The Eye Of The Entire Church--Silver Spring SDA Church Ordains Woman
You want to participate in voting on Church decisions? Great. Then you must abide by the decisions. If you won’t abide by them, them you forfeit any right to vote in them, going forward.
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