The spiritual battles we fight do not come from the trials, circumstances, or people in our lives; they come from our own evil desires. “What causes fights and quarrels among you?” (James 4). How would you answer that question?
Read moreGreat Men, Philosophers and the Common People
We are told here, by testimony of none other than the Holy Spirit, that He will not be forming partnership with the majority of these prominent and privileged persons in the closing work of the gospel.
Read moreYou've Got It All Wrong
May you discover that there is something higher than your human hands can reach, and through that fog, the Creator and Redeemer reaches down through this dark world that is clouded by sensuality.
Read moreSpreading the Everlasting Gospel through Avocados
In the big picture, I am nobody. I came into this world with no resources. I have no education to brag about. But I put my hand to the plow and have worked with all my might and God has chosen to honor this earthen vessel.
Read moreLosing Sight of Jesus
As Spiritual Israel, we have lost sight of Christ, degraded, and slidden back. We have come to enjoy certain aspects of the world. Its music, entertainment, and many of its foods are now commonplace.
Read moreThe Danger of Wokeness (Part 1): Applied Postmodernism
We are saddened by incidents of unjust violence, but the reality is more nuanced than the claims of systemic racism. We should become aware of the deeply laid agendas which undergird the architecture of wokeness.
Read moreHow I Escaped the Cult of Social Justice
You can look at all the other characteristics of a cult and see that it lines up with a lot of those. I mean, you're not allowed to question SJW dogma. There is a pressure to isolate yourself from people who are ‘non-believers.’
Read moreChildren of God versus Children of Disobedience
Different groups and individuals in Adventism and in the Protestant churches of the world may claim that “We are all children of God” but God says otherwise.
Read moreThe Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. I urge each one of us to take some serious time with the Lord on a daily basis, asking Him to do doing a thorough inventory of our life and clean out whatever is not from Him.
Read moreHandel’s “Messiah”: A Précis of Adventist Beliefs
Adventists have a special affinity for Handel’s Messiah because the texts call to mind our doctrines.
Read more100,000 Steps In One day
By 10:30 PM I had 100,730 legitimate steps. It’s over. It was the hardest thing physically I have ever done, but also immensely satisfying. And, I learned a few lessons.
Read moreJeremiah And The Modern Church
As a denomination, Babylon is coming for us, for we have not repented of our sins, nor turned from our rebellion, yet we rest comfortably in our belief that we are God’s chosen people, and we are secure in Him.
Read moreThe Catholic Roots of Social Justice: The Vatican and the CCP
Communism puts the state in the place of God, while the Papacy places to the pope in the place of God. The Papacy is much more dangerous, as it disguises itself from its true roots and intentions.
Read moreHow Did The Left Become Hostile To Religious Liberty?
When government seizes upon opportunities, even legitimate opportunities for action, and extends itself into people’s lives, it almost never contracts from where it has extended itself.
Read moreAn Open Letter to Adventist Journey Regarding a Recent Article Of Theirs
I believe we should be open to the use of data, but let’s not be naive about the way the scientific community can abuse data once they become sold out to a certain ideological narrative.
Read moreRoman Catholic Principles Vs. Protestant Principles of Freedom
The Reformation introduced a trajectory of freedom—from a massive medieval submissiveness to the state—towards individual emancipation by its emphasis on the Bible.
Read moreThe Lakes of Fire
They have refused the suffering of the Son of God on their behalf and now find the weight of the gift they have scorned. While they do not burn eternally, for God would make an end of sin, it will be a terrible suffering.
Read moreBlack Friday!
You’ve seen the clips online. You’ve watched, stunned and awestruck, to see mayhem and madness take over, as a tsunami of adrenaline-rushed consumers put it all on the line for their desired object.
Read moreCurbing The Fear And Panic Due To COVID-19 Pandemic
President Magufuli called upon all Tanzanians not to be afraid. He called upon all religious leaders to keep places of worship open, to stop fear and panic and to continue with economic activities.
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