Though joy has many enemies, it has one great Friend. Some of the last words of Jesus are: “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
Read moreDavid and Goliath (and the Shield-bearer)
"Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD. Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD"
Read moreFresh Details About The Conrad Vine Viral Story
The underlying issue is whether the GC can unilaterally set aside our religious liberty and liberty of conscience on any given issue. I say no.
Read morePierre Kory a Victim of the Big Pharma Mafia
Big Pharma leverages its control over the medical profession to fire and de-credentialize physicians who dissent from their Covid/Vaccine narrative. The latest victim is Dr. Pierre Kory.
Read moreLiberty & Health Alliance Issues Statement to Church Members
We believe in a God who never changes, nor does His truth. We believe that the Lord will have a Remnant that will meet Him at His return.
Read moreRobert F. Kenndy’s “A Letter to Liberals”
Robert F. Kennedy has written an excellent brief against the Covid vaccines, in "A Letter to Liberals."
Read moreWhat Conrad Vine Actually Said
Scott Ritsema, weary of taking other people's word for what Vine said or did not say in his sermon, reviewed Vine’s Regime Church sermon carefully and made this video. Hopefully it brings you some clarity!
Read moreIs The Shaking Here or Near?
We have a responsibility to preach the truth. God decides what sin is, not man. And, He has clearly indicated, in the Bible, what sin is. Man does not have the authority to decide what sin is.
Read moreStanding in The Gap
The Israelites and their leadership had apostatized in their relationship with God. The Lord was seeking someone to “stand in the gap” so that Jerusalem would not have to be destroyed. But sadly as the verse states – “But I found none.”
Read moreThe Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies
In 2020, when the most substantive global imposition against personal liberties arrived, nothing happened. Most sat on their hands and complied. The state piped, the people danced, and the Bill of Rights took a vacation.
Read moreConrad Vine and Walter Veith speak at The Caribou Campmeeting in Maine
Time and again, throughout SDA history, our leaders have bowed to totalitarian demands, sacrificing the members to preserve institutions, and each time an underground movement of faithful Adventists was born.
Read moreSteve Wohlberg Interviewed by Jesse Lee Peterson
On this week's episode of TheFallenState TV, host Jesse Lee Peterson interviews Pastor Steve Wohlberg—the founder and director of White Horse Media. They discuss prophecy, faith, forgiveness, anger, peace, race, and much more!
Read moreThe Kamala Catastrophe
Being called out is a process when a member of the Black community publicly reviews a person’s Black card membership to begin the process of revocation by public shaming, disowning, correctional action or verbal abuse, or excommunication.
Read moreEllen White's Baptism In the Methodist Church
My mind was peaceful and happy till I noticed the gold rings glittering upon this sister’s fingers, and the large, showy earrings in her ears. I then observed that her bonnet was adorned with artificial flowers, and trimmed with costly ribbons.
Read moreMethodist Pastor Defends the Seventh-day Sabbath
”There is no place in the Bible that cancels out the Sabbath. Yes, Jesus did push back on how they observe the Sabbath, but let's be very clear. Did Jesus observe the sabbath? Yes, he did. Yes, he did.”
Read moreIs Our Message Ecumenical? A Response to Elder Ganoune Diop
This message is what makes us who we are as Seventh-day Adventists, and God has entrusted every member of this church to proclaim this message by the power of the Holy Spirit to prepare a people for the soon return of Jesus Christ.
Read moreWhy are Male Boxers Competing Against Women in the Olympics? Here's The Facts
Based on what we know, it is very evident that there are males - people with XY chromosomes, male testosterone, and the advantages of male puberty - punching women in the face for the world's top sporting honour (a gold Olympic medal).
Read moreReason #3179 Why We Shouldn't Have Women Pastors
Over the last 30-years, the Adventist Church’s Religious Liberty department has become increasingly hostile towards conservatism and increasingly intimate with political liberalism. Why do you think this is?
Read more"Love one another" . . . How?
A loving Christian home is an environment in which everyone can thrive and mature, and where children will learn to love and trust God, and one another. It is also a powerful witness to the community about the ability of the Holy Spirit to heal human fear and selfishness.
Read moreThe Woke Church Is Not The True Church
More and more of these “woke” pastors (false shepherds: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” Matthew 7:15) are leading people astray.
Read more