There is no indication if ADCOM will also receive similar acclaim for their promotion of climate change, or if GC PARL (Ganoune Diop) will be recognized for their tremendous ecumenical efforts.
Read moreThe Oregon Conference's Financial Troubles Continue
It looks like their financial troubles are not over. This week, there was a conference townhall meeting in Portland. Conference administrators announced another cut of 15 FTE’s from the conf office.
Read moreFormer GC VP and President of Oakwood University Endorses Kamala Harris
Instead of partisan politics, friends, let us think biblically, let us think honestly, and let us walk humbly with our God.
Read moreSheila Jackson Lee Passes Away
Thirty days ago Sheila Jackson Lee announced that she had pancreatic cancer. She died Friday the 19th from this disease. She was 74.
Read moreLiberals Usually Shoot Themselves in the Foot
On Amazon, you can purchase a shirt that triumphantly says “There Are More Than Two Genders !!” One small problem. When you specify the size, it asks if the fit should be male or female.
Read moreAndrews University Restructuring Positions and Academic Programs
Andrews University is doing the necessary reconstruction after a trifecta of leftism moved the school from its biblical moorings over the last 10 years. Pray for John Wesley Taylor, that he receives strength and wisdom from God.
Read moreRage Rituals Are The Latest Thing
Rage rituals—for them—is yet another human attempt to create peace out of self worship, and truth out of lies. It doesn’t work. It makes them childish, instead of child-like (Luke 18:17). There is a solution, friends.
Read moreUnion College Selects Female President
In 2015 Bazan completed a doctoral dissertation at Andrews University on diversity and student engagement. Her dissertation appears to be an early version of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE).
Read moreDave Weigley Announces Retirement as Columbia Union President
Weigley also acknowledges that departing from Columbia Union leadership at this time will enable him to address legal issues arising from the ongoing investigation of Kettering Health during the latter years he chaired the board.
Read morePope Francis Says Priests Can Bless Same-Sex Unions
Monday’s announcement also reverses a 2021 Vatican ruling that condemned the blessings of same-sex unions saying God “cannot bless sin.”
Read moreADRA Canada's DIE Advisor Champions Gender Equality and Climate Action
Modern feminism is defined by talking non-stop about the things that don’t matter (like climate change) to avoid talking about the things that do (like righteousness and biblical conversion).
Read moreNAD Year End Meeting Agenda Seeks to Expand Ordination And Gender Inclusivity
Image from NAD secretariat website
Women’s ordination is the wedge issue of choice for the North American Division. They have pushed this agenda since 1990 and are determined to win at any cost.
Read moreSECC Seeks to Limit Called Constituency Sessions Through Bylaws Change
In our opinion, this reduces the willingness of the SECC administrators to be accountable to their constituents. We live in an age where more accountability is needed, not less. Don’t squander your authority, friends.
Read moreFreshman Students at Walla Walla Required to Watch Inclusive Orientation About Gender Identity
This multiple gender ideology comes from cultural Marxism and is marketed to academic institutions under the guise of diversity, inclusion and equity.
Read moreLoma Linda Employees Vote to Join Labor Union
In our opinion, Loma Linda University Health would have a better religious exemption argument if the institution had not drifted measurably from the original faith of the Seventh-day Adventist Movement.
Read moreConference Sponsored Plant in Oregon Now Worshiping on Sunday
It’s all about Jesus. We know Jesus (John 17:3). They don’t define what ‘it’ is. Usually this is a trendy way to jettison doctrine and standards and still sound ‘faithy’ while doing it.
Read moreLeftist Professor Suspended After Saying It is Better to Kill Conservative Speakers Than Protest Them
This is where hard leftism takes people. Why? Because it is ideologically linked to rebellion against God. And when we rebel against God we come to hate the things He loves and love the things He hates (Matthew 24:12; Isaiah 5:20).
Read moreCancel Mob Targets Ben Carson, 55 Of His Former Employees Defend Him
In today’s culture plagued by anger, violence and division, Dr. Carson is exactly the sort of man we should highlight for our children. In an age where honor and virtue are increasingly scorned, he stands as an example for our future generations to look up to.
Read moreCongressman Roy Offers Congress One Last Chance to Protect Religious Liberty
This amendment should be a no-brainer for every single House Republican, and every American should know whether their representative believes they should be punished for a religious belief.
Read moreThree U.S. Senators Acknowledge The SDA Church For Their Support As They Vote For The Respect for Marriage Act
The ‘dis’ Respect for marriage Act will potentially create more targeted bakers and Christian photographers who will likely be on their own against a hostile federal machine because it does not involve the Sabbath.
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