In our opinion, this reduces the willingness of the SECC administrators to be accountable to their constituents. We live in an age where more accountability is needed, not less. Don’t squander your authority, friends.
Read moreChris Oberg Officiates In Transgender Transition Ceremony For Former SDA Pastor
Picture from the transition ceremony.
These two ex-Seventh-day Adventist pastors were incubated in the progressive breeding ground of western culture and California Adventism, bringing these ideas into the church that you and I cherish.
Read moreFormer Pastor of Redlands SDA Church Comes out as Transgender
So, here it is. I am a transgender woman. It’s taken me many years to develop the confidence needed to acknowledge this truth: first to myself, later to my family and friends, and now more publicly.
Read moreChris Oberg Leaves Pastoral Position At La Sierra University Church
The video is rather cryptic, self-promoting and sprinkled with social justice hints throughout. What exactly she will be doing remains to be seen. The whole thing has a Ryan Bell-esque feel to it.
Read moreTwo Pastors Fired From Large Black Church In Southeastern California Conference
On the Mt. Ribidoux SDA Facebook Page, there is speculation by church members that Michael Kelly was fired by Conference officials (presumably Sandra Roberts) because he was black and telling the truth about ‘systemic’ racism.
Read moreSECC Non-Compliance Meeting Summary: WO Is A Social Justice Imperative
The Compliance Document is diabolical. They cannot stop women’s ordination because it is right. What can we do? There is one thing that the GC understands. Money.
Read moreAfter Celebration of Rebellion, SECC Will Ordain a Woman in November
May God also protect those faithful members in the SECC, delivering them from the devastating consequences of rebellion.
Read moreThe SECC Constituency Meeting From a Delegate Who Was There
When it was mentioned that the SECC was out of compliance with the General Conference by having a woman president, there was loud applause from about 70% of the audience.
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