ADRA is one of the top ten organizations helping this, destined to receive $5,000,000 from the new budget to help facilitate mass illegal migration.
Read moreJoe Biden Awards Pope Francis The Presidential Medal of Freedom
There is no indication if ADCOM will also receive similar acclaim for their promotion of climate change, or if GC PARL (Ganoune Diop) will be recognized for their tremendous ecumenical efforts.
Read moreJohn Kerry Condemns The First Amendment
When it comes to the Bible, conservatives say, “It is the text that matters.” Liberals often say they find meanings that are not the meaning asserted by the words, sentences, phrases themselves.
Read moreLutheran Church Bails Immigrant out of Jail for 15k, then He Commits Two More Crimes
Brito was indicted on the new theft charges Monday and is being held on $25,000 cash bond for the felony theft in July. It remains to be seen if another liberal church will bail him out again.
Read moreBlack Adventist Professor Accuses GYC of Being Racist
Critical race theory, like most of America’s experiments in secular theocracy, came out of academia whose ‘experts’ fail miserably when it comes to tangible real-world results, but excel at telling people what to think.
Read moreSacramento City Attorney Threatens Target With Fines for Reporting Retail Thefts
It’s unclear why City Attorney Susana Alcala Wood’s office would issue such a warning to any business seeking help from police. Especially when Target is the victim, and pays high property taxes in the City of Sacramento.
Read moreLiberals Usually Shoot Themselves in the Foot
On Amazon, you can purchase a shirt that triumphantly says “There Are More Than Two Genders !!” One small problem. When you specify the size, it asks if the fit should be male or female.
Read moreAndrews University Restructuring Positions and Academic Programs
Andrews University is doing the necessary reconstruction after a trifecta of leftism moved the school from its biblical moorings over the last 10 years. Pray for John Wesley Taylor, that he receives strength and wisdom from God.
Read moreGreat News! Andrews University Provost Leaving Andrews for LaSierra
Breathe in the fresh air of scriptural freedom and unity (Revelation 7:9; Isaiah 8:20; Revelation 12:17,14:6). And choose a Godly reforming Provost with Christian courage.
Read moreAs College Anti-Semitic Protests Spread Nationwide, Innocent Students Call For Tuition Refunds
College students howling for the blood of an entire nation are savages wrapped in the racist garments of genocidal religion. Their high sense of self assurance and low sense of self control make them the parochial companions of jihad.
Read moreSheila Does it Again: The Moon is a 'Planet' And 'Made up Mostly of Gases'
“I don’t know about you, I want to be first in line to know how to live and to be able to survive on the moon,” Jackson Lee added. “That’s another planet which we’re going to see shortly.”
Read moreUnion College Selects Female President
In 2015 Bazan completed a doctoral dissertation at Andrews University on diversity and student engagement. Her dissertation appears to be an early version of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE).
Read more'Woke Kindergarten' Teacher Calls for Destruction of America and Disrupting Whiteness
“I believe the United States has no right to exist. I believe every settler colony who has committed genocide against native peoples, against Indigenous people, has no right to exist. We’re trying to end y’all.”
Read moreAdventist Church Organization Helping to Facilitate Mass Illegal Migration
A CIS examination of one subset of NGOs revealed that the Adventist Church, through ADRA, is helping the United Nations facilitate one of the worst mass migrations in U.S. history with pass-through taxpayer funding.
Read moreCalifornia Will Fine Stores That Don't Have Gender-Neutral Toy Sections
Failure to comply after Jan. 1, 2024, will result in civil penalties, enforced through legal action by the state attorney general, district attorney, or city attorney, with penalties ranging from $250 to $500 for subsequent violations.
Read morePope Francis Says Priests Can Bless Same-Sex Unions
Monday’s announcement also reverses a 2021 Vatican ruling that condemned the blessings of same-sex unions saying God “cannot bless sin.”
Read moreGerman Christian Family Being Deported While Millions of Illegals Pour Into the U.S.
In their initial argument, the family claimed that 'God was calling them to homeschool their five children', claiming that the 'anti-Christian' message in German schools was also a factor.
Read moreFreshman Students at Walla Walla Required to Watch Inclusive Orientation About Gender Identity
This multiple gender ideology comes from cultural Marxism and is marketed to academic institutions under the guise of diversity, inclusion and equity.
Read moreInstead of Cancelling the Position, Andrews University Appoints Interim Diversity Officer
Doubling down on the Potawatomi Indian ‘stolen land’ thing is an effort to keep class warfare and CRT afloat while harvesting a few virtue signalling points.
Read moreAre You Ok With Governments Telling Christian Counselors What They Can Say?
If the government is given the authority to censor sensitive and private conversations, what’s to keep it from censoring your private conversations, such as those with your husband or wife, or your children?
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