There is no indication if ADCOM will also receive similar acclaim for their promotion of climate change, or if GC PARL (Ganoune Diop) will be recognized for their tremendous ecumenical efforts.
Read moreArchbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Excommunicated
The strained relations between retired Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and Pope Francis finally reached the breaking point, and only one of them is the pope.
Read morePope Francis Says Priests Can Bless Same-Sex Unions
Monday’s announcement also reverses a 2021 Vatican ruling that condemned the blessings of same-sex unions saying God “cannot bless sin.”
Read morePope Francis Defends Homosexuality By Criticizing Laws Against It
Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” saying God loves all his children just as they are and called on Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ people into the church.
Read moreGay Clubs Run in Catholic Seminaries Says Pope Benedict in Attack on Francis
According to John Allen, a leading Vatican analyst who writes for Crux, the Catholic news outlet, a civil war could be brewing in the Roman Catholic Church.
Read moreDo We Really Need A New Ten Commandments For Climate Change? I Think Not.
It's almost like they're they're doing this in God's face because they're going to Mount Sinai, the place where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the law of Moses. They’re going to put forth their law of climate change.
Read morePope Francis Getting Ready To Resign?
Apparently, lots of Cardinals are assembled at the Vatican, which is unusual. Word on the street is that the Pope Francis may be preparing to resign. Oddly, there will be three living Popes if this one resigns.
Read moreNew Office Of Environmental Justice Announced. Trees Deserve Justice, But Not Babies
Fallen man is a sinner — he is not God. He wants to be his own god. This creates hell on earth under the rubric of creating utopia through totalitarian agencies like the Environmental Justice department.
Read morePope Removes Bishop from Office For Not Supporting the Vatican Vaccine Mandate
In written declarations, Fernández Torres explained that he was being accused of not being obedient to Pope Francis. To these allegations he responded: “I feel blessed for suffering persecution and slander.”
Read moreReports That the Pope is Dying Raise Questions About His Replacement
These expectations about the possible upcoming death of Pope Francis raise the question of the Vatican’s possible candidates for his replacement. Whoever it is, we expect that he will not be as liberal as pope Francis.
Read moreWhy Yes, Climate Change Is a Religion
Religion is declining sharply and the political cult of Climate Change offers a cataclysmically redemptive purpose with visions of rising oceans, growing poverty, inescapable racism, and a catastrophic way out that requires not faith, but action.
Read morePope and Religious Leaders Call For Aggressive Climate Action At The Upcoming COP26 Summit
In his speech, Welby said over the past 100 years, humanity had “declared war” on creation and must now repent by building a green economy and by bringing [social] justice to the global south.
Read moreItaly Mandates Vaccines For Every Worker. Big Fines For Failures To Comply
According to Corinne Le Quéré, the lead author of a study on Covid19 lockdowns and the environment, a global lockdown is needed every two years to prioritize climate action and reduce emissions.
Read moreLawmaker Threatens Catholic Church's Tax Exempt Status For Considering Denying Communion to Pro Abortion Politicians
The new guidance could result in pro-abortion politicians (including Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi) being banned from receiving communion because of their stance on abortion.
Read morePope Francis Calls For More Labor Unions
The transgressors of the law of God have taken sides with their Leader, the General of rebellion. He understands how to devise his Satanic schemes and through whom to work for the carrying out of them.
Read morePope Francis Changes Church Law To Expand Women's Roles
By introducing the change in the Code of Canon Law, pope Francis is making it impossible for conservative bishops to block women in their diocese from having those roles.
Read morePope Says Coronavirus Vaccinations Are an Ethical Obligation
“It is an ethical option,” Pope Francis went on to say, “because you risk your health, your life, but you also risk the lives of others.”
The Pope Encourages Social Justice Activism In The NBA
Pope Francis sought the meeting with the players, saying that it “demonstrates the influence of their platforms.” Demands for social and racial justice have been paramount among NBA players.
Read moreBig Business Partners With Pope Francis To Spread Global Leftism
We (at Fulcrum7) believe Francis is a far-left radical intent on destroying the United States’ economic system. There are so many reasons honestly to distrust this man that it would take a month of articles to go through them all.
Read morePope Francis Packs College of Cardinals
Pope Francis has named 13 new cardinals, nine of whom are eligible to vote in upcoming papal conclaves. He is putting his ideological stamp on the important electing body.
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