Friend, your freedoms are on the line. To have religious liberty you have to have liberty. If you have no liberty you have no religious liberty.
Read moreThe End of Hardison? Religious Liberty Update
The Hardison decision has caused an enormous amount of suffering for observant Seventh-day Adventist and other Sabbatarian employees for over four decades.
Read moreWhen is it Time to Disfellowship? EUD's Response to Pellegrini (part 2)
We kindly ask Pellegrini to stop preaching and spreading his convictions within the church. There are other areas for debate and doctrinal confrontations (university campuses, theological circles, and ad hoc meetings) but not in preaching and teaching from a pulpit.
Read moreWhen Does It Become Time To Disfellowship A Member or a Pastor?
Spirit of Prophecy = unreliable, as is generally is White's opinion on theology, lifestyle ect. She is occasionally inspired when she gets it right. And in any case she, is much less inspired than the biblical Prophets.
Read moreThe Origin of the Bible
Back in 1999, a friend told me that his Roman Catholic cousin said that the Catholic church gave us the Bible. Thus, we should trust the Catholic Church and possibly join it. My friend asked me to write a short response to his cousin.
Read moreWhat Happened in 1888?
The 1844 date is explained, but when Adventist mention 1888, there is the “knowing” look in their eyes, and cryptic conversations that are never explained. Sometimes I felt like screaming, “What happened in 1888?”
Read moreNeeded Reform at the Review: An Example
Justin Kim is faced with the huge task of reforming the culture at our flagship periodical. He needs our prayers.
Read moreRevolution 1989—Kirkpatrick Reacts
Renting or lending a typewriter was forbidden and every typewriter owner had to have authorization from the militia, with that process repeated every years.
Read moreMake Adventism Great Again !
While such departures from Scripture have alienated more conservative churches and members, the majority of concerned members look for help where no help is apparently coming – to the GC.
Read moreCulture vs. Scripture in Adventism
Scripture says one thing, but Seventh-day Adventist subculture says something else. Why?
Read moreThe Weight of an Oath
We cannot be double-minded with God. We cannot serve two masters. We cannot have more than one moral code to live by in His church. Our only moral law should be the Ten Commandments.
Read moreNo, Love is Not Love
So the next time you hear these idioms: "For the love of Pete”, or "Love makes the world go round", or "All you need is love" and its churchy counterpart "Just preach love not doctrine, man" ask this critical question. "What kind of love are they talking about?"
Read moreEliminating Jesus
In recent days, our American government, represented by President Joe Biden, signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law. The law of the land, certainly not God’s Law. Clearly, church and state are colliding. Individual biblical beliefs are increasingly being trampled.
Read moreIndependent Baptist Preacher Greg Locke Says Sabbath Keeping is a Demonic Doctrine
Locke is very political and very boisterous. I believe a Christian should avoid politics as much as possible, first to keep his sanity, and second to avoid becoming double-minded (James 1:8). In my opinion, Locke is imbalanced in this regard.
Read moreBeams of Light
Most professed Christians recognize that Jesus was not born on December 25th. The true relevance of this time of year is, What does the season mean to you? Do you use this time to celebrate the incarnation of the Son of God?
Read moreSunday Law Update--Climate Change For Sunday Laws
The pandemic was a precursor to the upcoming Sunday laws and eventually the mark of the beast. All under the guise of climate change with the Pope and his Laudato si' encyclical as the tool.
Read moreShould Christians Use Slang Terms?
While the term 'sister' has been used by Christians, since we are the family of God, the term 'sis' has no part in a Christian's vocabulary. According to "Sis is the new bro.
Read moreLightChannel of Denmark Presents: Religion And Culture of Today
Nationalism vs. globalism. Is it a virtue or vice to be proud of your country? Social justice activism and Cultural Marxism. The religion of wokeness: How wokeness incorporates salvation by works.
Read moreConrad Vine: Megatrends Impacting Religious Liberty
Revelation 13 speaks of an end-time crisis, just before the return of Jesus Christ, in which global economic sanctions are imposed on God’s faithful children. How would such global sanctions work?
Read moreWhen Heathen Nations Have More Biblical Sense Than America
In a space of no more than 8 hours, two separate nations issued rulings on homosexual marriage. One for, and the other against. Are we living in a crazy mixed up muddled up messed up alternative universe? Yes.
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