Sin corrupts our thinking, clouds our spiritual vision so that we cannot rightly discern how God views our actions. I could not discern how my warped thinking had corrupted me.
Read moreAfter Autumn Council 2017, Where do We Go From Here?
We held the 2017 article (which was similar to several others at the time) until now, allowing the passage of time to put into perspective the disciplinary slothfulness of the GC Executive Committee.
Read moreNeil Oliver: It's Hard to Think the Unthinkable
It is hard to think the unthinkable. But it is the truth. They’re doing it to us on purpose.
Read moreGenesis 1:1 Bereshit Bara Elohim – Premise of Faith
You may be a learned scholar knowing all details of chiasm in the Book, but if you desire a Bible without a Creator, then you must blot out a lot of passages in your Bible with a black marker.
Read moreLeftists Hate God Because They Want His Job
Leftists’ war on God says less about him than it does about them. They are driven by a lust for control and a belief that mankind is infinitely malleable, as long as enough force is applied. Their real problem with God? They want His job.
Read morePharmakeia and the Final Test
The scope and size of civil governments have swelled to unprecedented proportions. This is true worldwide, almost without exception. Previously democratic societies have been transformed into veritable police states almost overnight.
Read moreMy Awesome Campmeeting Experience in New York
I pray that many of you reach out to Amazing Facts and ask for Carlos to give these same messages, for it is greatly needed in our churches today for all ages.
Read more“Familialism” – The New Racism
The social justice warriors do not like the family.
Read moreTerrorists whip Nigerian Christians and Muslims in Harrowing Video
In this video, Fulani terrorists in Nigeria use sticks and canes to beat their innocent hostages who have been in captivity since March 28. The Nigerian government has refused to pay for their release, and are allegedly preventing families from paying their ransom.
Read more"Give Me a Child Till he is Seven Years…"
Until recently, few parents felt any sense of concern with the curriculum or the purpose of schools. However, I would contend that has changed. We are at the edge of a precipice, and it is time to wake up.
Read moreAre we in a Mass Formation?
Congregations have found themselves divided in surprising new ways. We appear to be in a mass formation event akin to the French Revolution, but adapted to a rapidly changing technocratic age.
Read more14 Reasons Why I Won’t Watch 'The Chosen'
This lame, sacrilegious attempt at humor ridicules John's recognition of Jesus as the Messiah and undermines the whole message—including Christ’s divinity.
Read moreGraham “Hoody” Hood — The Courageous Pilot
Preaching in Hitler's Shadow—Kirkpatrick Reacts, pt. 2
In exchange for recognition and an appearance of legitimacy, in practice, coopted leadership acts to minimize the influence of "true believers." Members that are the most earnest and serious are marginalized.
Read morePreaching in Hitler's Shadow—Kirkpatrick Reacts, pt. 1
And so, we should be interested in the messages given to believers trapped under Nazi oppression. We should learn from their failures and successes in living their faith, for today's society is free-falling into a new totalitarianism.
Read moreWhat Every Christian Needs to Know About Social Justice
Social justice isn’t merely not the gospel. It is anti-gospel. It is anti-gospel in its principles and its finished convictions; it is anti-gospel in its presuppositions and its animating biases.
Read moreWorld Health Organization Says Gender is Non-Binary
The World Health Organization is updating its guidance on gender to declare that “sex is not limited to male or female.”
Read moreThe Delusion of Supporting Abortion
The same principle is at work in the issue of abortion. It does seem to me that the abortion crowd is trying to ease their conscience by changing the vocabulary and the science of human reproduction and sexuality.
Read moreWhat About These 'Official Statements' of The Church? (Conclusion)
In aggregate, there are 11 statements that invoke the United Nations or World Health Organisation. Such reference to supranational political entities may result in (unintended) deference to the UN and its affiliates.
Read moreWhat About These 'Official Statements' of The Church? (Part one)
This unsolicited two-part series on the history of church statements is interesting, and we invite you to consider its implications as we seek to be the Remnant of God and a representative working body of our Advent Message.
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