Artur Stele wasn’t sure how to respond, said this was a controversial issue. He asked if there was a second to the motion. Zirkle pointed out that there were various seconds to the motion on the Zoom system. They weren’t able to get through.
Read moreStudents From Walla Walla Protest Sabbath Sermon on Resolving LGBTQ Sin
The meeting also drew protesters, many of them from nearby Walla Walla University. These pro-LGBTQ protesters stood on the sidewalk outside, some of them waving signs that said “I’m gay, SDA, and it’s ok!”
Read moreHow a GC Session Works: The Nominating Committee
Once all 268 members are selected, the nominating committee will be directed to a private room where it will select its own officers, beginning with a chairman.
Read moreWar is peace
I came to the US in 1995 from a communist country, so I experienced the sad reality of a country where the government runs everything. It took me several years to be cured of all the socialist ideas.
Read moreCensorship and The GC Session Agenda
The conference may legally own facilities, but spiritually, it stewards them on behalf of God’s people. For noteworthy speakers, internet popularity and the ability to rent other facilities provide a workaround.
Read moreThe Christian and Programmable Money (CBDCs)
Replacing cash with the use of programmable CBDCs could sharply tilt power from the everyday citizen toward government and corporate overlords. Social engineering could speed the end of both secular and religious freedom.
Read moreAn Open Letter To The GC Session Nominating Committee And Delegates
The one-legged gospel has contributed greatly to the shocking progress of the LGBTQ+ agenda within our North American church. It’s not hard to figure out the connection.
Read moreGet the Smelling Salts, Review Publishes Anti-WO Article
For the first time in 15-20 years, the Adventist Review just published an article on biblical headship that wasn’t yet another pro WO diatribe. Knock me over with a feather, as they say.
Read moreThe Mark of Cain and Covid “vaccine” Coercion
It is impossible to miss the fact that the animus in the story is all one-directional. Cain was angry with Abel. Cain entered into controversy with Abel. Cain killed Abel. There is no record in the Scriptures or the Spirit of Prophecy that Abel had animus toward Cain.
Read moreRocky Mountain Conference Cancels Stephen Bohr
"The Rocky Mountain Conference, and by extension any church, school, or other entity affiliated with RMC, will not invite Stephen Bohr or any ministry affiliated with him to speak at any of our events, nor allow our facilities to be used by him.“
Read morePassenger-Turned-Pilot: “The Hand of God was on the Plane”
“So everybody always asks me, how did the airplane do what it did? How did it stay together? How did you pull it out? It’s the hand of God was on that Plane”
Read moreRun Out of Gas For Your Chainsaw? No problem!
Perhaps you are bored with running a chainsaw, and you want to try something different. Or, maybe the price of gas is $8.50 a gallon by fall. Well, we have just the thing. An Amish cross-cut saw!
Read moreThe Lake Union Constituency Meeting Was Held Yesterday, And It Was Interesting
Delegates need to remain alert. There are, it seems, always agents among the delegates seeking to centralize decision-making into fewer rather than more hands. The church is healthier with more power dispersed among members and delegates.
Read moreThe New Censorship
The place where God speaks to the person is in the conscience. It is where we reason with God (Isa 1:18-20). For this reason, the conscience is hallowed ground. Protection of the conscience is the essence of religious liberty.
Read moreThe Sin of Abortion is as the Sin of Slavery
In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that Blacks were property, not persons. In the Roe case, the Supreme Court ruled that unborn children are…well, not persons.
Read moreViolation Of Trust, Rocky Mountain Conference Places Women’s Ordination on Constituency Agenda
I was allowed 10 minutes to speak to the Committee, but only on the issue of women's ordination. I was told I did not have standing to speak on the Stephen Bohr ban, because I was not a member of the Golden Church.
Read moreThe Priesthood of Experts?
In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, health is not a cordoned-off domain where lady justice, pink hair flying and nose rings flaring, bars God’s entry with flaming sword.
Read moreTEACH Services Publishes Jane Iery's Book: Born in Babylon
The study on the antichrist almost broke me. It was THE turning point in my journey, and it was very hard for me because there was so much involved.
Read moreVicious Crowd At Supreme Court Protesting For Abortion With Demonic Influences
The tension around us increased. Amid the angry noise, I surveyed the teeming horde of pro-abortion rights protesters, filming them to capture their hostile passion. One young woman in a red crop top was chanting, her eyes half closed as if in a trance
Read moreOrdinary Men: Reserve Police Batallion 101
Normal individuals enter an 'agentic state' in which they are the instrument of another's will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.
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