Worldly influences to a certain degree have been kept out of the church compared to many churches in the States and abroad. People are hungry for Bible truth.
Read moreThe Difference Between Spiritual Abuse And Christian Courtesy
In persuasion, I seek to engage your thinking and judgment by giving you helpful data and warm encouragement. In manipulation I seek to bypass your thinking by pushing you to conform to my judgment.
Read moreAdventist University Crackdown On Miniskirts, Jewelry etc... Effective Immediately!
The Bible teaches modesty in dress which condemns the wearing of jewelry, cosmetics and other items that violate the principle of simplicity (See 1 Timothy 2:9, 1 Peter 3:3, 4 and Genesis 35:1-5 etc.).
Read moreAn Open Letter To Southern Adventist University
Dr. Smith, please tell me, will the many thousands of dollars I am paying to Southern Adventist University be used to provide a truly solid, Biblical, Seventh-day Adventist education?
Read moreAn Appeal to Regional Church Leadership
God’s leaders are not beholden to the people they serve; but rather to the God they serve.
Read moreThe Great Cosmic Academic Revolt
The heroes of freedom are not, say, Moses who had the courage to stand against Pharaoh, and the Reformation guardians of Mosaic scripture who once stood against the same ecclesiastical authority that Galileo faced, but the new revolutionaries who have the chutzpah to reject it all.
Read moreA Church Member's Response To The SDA Statement on Transgenderism
Must we silently consent to the change in Biblical standards at the individual and membership level? Can sin be called by its right name anymore?
Read moreMillennial Misfire
Church growth experts, please consider that every young person that you convince is “accepted” by God in their sin, is another soul lost until he/she repents.
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