Modern feminism is defined by talking non-stop about the things that don’t matter (like climate change) to avoid talking about the things that do (like righteousness and biblical conversion).
Read moreWorld Leader Apologizes to The Unvaccinated: 'You Were Right, We Were Wrong.'
Babylon embraces coercion as its means of achieving desired ends, while the bride of Christ embraces conversion as its means of achieving such ends.
Read moreInvestigation at Kettering Health Discovers Financial Impropriety
“Kettering Health will be seeking repayment of these funds from the individuals involved and sharing information related to our investigation with the appropriate authorities,” the hospital said, in a statement released today.
Read moreLetter From a Seventh-day Adventist State Representative To Speaker Mike Johnson
The Depopulation Bomb: A Belated Halloween Parable
Many have reluctantly come to the unwanted conclusion that the horrifying public health events of recent years cannot credibly be attributed to mere incompetence or even venality. Very frightening.
Read moreStephen Bohr to Hold Meetings in Hyattsville, Maryland
On December 15 to 18, Stephen Bohr will hold meetings in Hyattsville, Maryland. Yes, that’s in the Potomac Conference. Y’all come. It will be packed.
Read moreNAD Year End Meeting Agenda Seeks to Expand Ordination And Gender Inclusivity
Image from NAD secretariat website
Women’s ordination is the wedge issue of choice for the North American Division. They have pushed this agenda since 1990 and are determined to win at any cost.
Read moreDwight Nelson Calls For A Return to The Ancient Paths at Andrews University
I’m concerned. I’ve served this community for 40 years. I love this place. I fear there are forces in the culture that that have subtly moved this school off her God-given mission. Off the ancient path. Onto to a road that is popular, but a road in the wrong direction.
Read moreWhen You Combine Low EQ With a Vile Heart You Get This
The GC should never have placed this grotesque woman in front of Seventh-day Adventists at their worldwide premiere Church event. They own it now.
Read moreMaurice Valentine, GC Vice President, Passes Away Unexpectedly
Pastor Valentine’s death is a tragedy for the world church. He was a very godly leader and an important part of our world church leadership team.
Read moreFormer Adventist Renounces Witchcraft And is Baptized in a Christian Church in Indiana
In December 2020 the former TV star left High Voltage Tattoo parlor in LA, announcing she had bought a home in Indiana. She cited California's taxes, “terrible policies,” and “tyrannical government” as reasons.
Read morePastor Stephen Bohr Coming to Mount Ranier SDA Church in Potomac Conference
The last time Bohr was in Potomac, they had to rent another building to contain all the visitors. This time, they are renting a larger building that can hold 700 people. The address of that venue will be announced soon.
Read more“Science” vs Science Conference is Less Than 2 Weeks Away!
These crucial topics that lay the foundation for finding out the Truth surrounding these and other current social topics will be presented from History, Data, True Science, and The Holy Bible.
Read moreSo, What's Going on at Gaithersburg SDA?
Dozens—if not hundreds—of Seventh-day Adventists have contacted us asking what the status is of the Gaithersburg Hispanic / Potomac Conference. Here is a timeline and a current update on the Gaithersburg / Potomac situation.
Read moreWeimar Update: Run to Fund a School of the Prophets
When students decide to attend Weimar University, they come fully aware that the Lord will be their help, not Uncle Sam. So, scholars step out in faith and come through work-study opportunities, savings accounts, personal appeals for support, and fundraisers like this Lake Tahoe Scholarship Run.
Read moreThought You Might Like to See The NAD Volunteer Ministries FB Page (trigger warning)
“For certain people have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4).
Read morePlease Stop with the Statements
When will the church stop issuing damaging statements on current events?
Read moreTed Wilson Urges Church Leaders Who Lack Faith in the Bible to Resign
If you are unable for some reason to not fully trust this book (Bible), if you cannot accept the Word of God as it reads, I urge you to resign your position. There was loud applause.
Read moreParents, What Are Your Children Reading in Adventist Schools?
This educational system is brought to you by the same conference that attempted to ban Doug Bachelor from speaking in any FLC church in the state of Florida in 2015.
Read moreUpdates on Annual Council . . .
This page will be updated regularly, so check back..
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