There’s only one problem with this guy’s theology: Everything. The Bible itself calls Him ‘Lord’, ‘Savior’, ‘King’ - and it’s not open for debate or censorship based on what anyone feels or thinks.
Read moreVillage Church Board Requests That Pastor Ron Kelly Be Reinstated By January 2
“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.”
Read moreStephen Bohr will Be a Speaker at Campmeeting in Missouri
The third annual Lake of the Ozarks Camp Meeting will be held at Pathway to Paradise Ministries on July 24-27, 2024. Come and join us this year for a spiritually refreshing time of Bible study, fellowship, prayer, and music!
Read moreStephen Bohr is Presenting a Series in Columbus Ohio
Kudos to Ohio for inviting him, especially after the debacle of Potomac Conference autocrats seeking to prevent Bohr (a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in good standing) from speaking in Roanoke, and Gaithersburg last year.
Read moreConrad Vine Coming to Ohio on April 19-20
Conrad Vine travels regularly around the globe and is uniquely qualified to observe rapid changes happening in our world. These change affect human rights, personal liberty, and have significant theological implications.
Read morePastor Stephen Bohr Coming to Mount Ranier SDA Church in Potomac Conference
The last time Bohr was in Potomac, they had to rent another building to contain all the visitors. This time, they are renting a larger building that can hold 700 people. The address of that venue will be announced soon.
Read moreLiberal Adventism Has a Love Affair With Santa Claus
Richard Hart on Loma Linda University health video
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
Read moreSouth African Satanist Leader Claims to Have Found Christ After Experiencing God's Love In A Christian
During Swiegelaar's last radio interview talking about Satanism, he said that he didn't believe in Jesus or that He existed. The radio DJ's reaction stunned him.
Read moreLoma Linda University Health Offers LGBTQ+ Monthly Support Group
‘Coming out’ to yourself or others (in this context) is a pseudo-conversion experience openly celebrating a decision to walk according to the lies of the enemy. True conversion is accompanied by repentance (Acts 3:19).
Read moreThe Climate Is About to Change in St. Louis!
When Med Missionary heard of this amazing mission trip to St. Louis, the prayerful decision was made to support this end-time initiative by helping recruit 150 volunteers and aiming to raise $40,000 towards this Great Controversy distribution.
Read moreChurch of Lucifer Stands With Ukraine. Declares Human Sacrifices Are Justified Against Russia
Recently, the Church of Lucifer (there really is one) announced on Twitter that they stand with Ukraine and are invoking ancient Grigori gods (which can only be satiated with blood sacrifice) to ensure the defeat of Russia and Vladimir Putin.
Read moreNew Jersey University Now Offering a Degree in Happiness
University President Bruce Merphy
Join Seventh-day Adventists Around the World in Prayer and Fasting
The most solemn warning ever entrusted to mortals has been given to us. We must be prepared, spiritually and intellectually, to share with others the only message that can bring peace, hope, and salvation.
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