If you want to attend but haven’t booked yet, we still have 5 rooms blocked with discounted rates of $249/night. These last rooms are available until October 20th. Reserve Now by calling 631-663-3128.
If you cannot attend, please consider making a Tax-Deductible Donation which can be made here: LINK
These crucial topics that lay the foundation for finding out the Truth surrounding these and other current social topics will be presented from History, Data, True Science, and The Holy Bible:
a) Evolution and Creationism
b) Gender Dysphoria Promulgation
c) The “Climate Change” Agenda
You won’t want to miss our Extraordinary Speakers including Chloe Cole, Michael Carducci, Dr. Subodh Pandit, Pastor Rick Kuntz, Dr. Linda Royall, Walt Cross, Haylee Wolfe, and more! Attendees will enjoy Heavenly Music, United Prayer, and Delicious Plant-Based Meals and Desserts served by Heidi’s Health Kitchen. This will be a Life-Changing experience for most! Please plan to come and make friends with Catholics and Christians who are searching for Truth and how to better understand The Bible, The Books of Daniel and Revelation, current events, and the closing scenes of earth’s history.
Tickets are still available, along with the last 5 available sleeping rooms/suites! Here is the website.
Come and join us. You will be glad you did!