World Leader Apologizes to The Unvaccinated: 'You Were Right, We Were Wrong.'

Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to the unvaccinated for crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government during Covid lockdowns.

“I can apologize right now. I’m deeply sorry,” she said, “for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status, I’m deeply sorry. For any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back if they want to come back.”

Danielle Smith made the comments in Edmonton, Alberta after she was officially sworn in in October. During the media availability afterward, she was asked about why she felt vaccine choice needed to be protected. She responded:

"The community that faced the most restrictions on their freedoms in the last year were those that made a choice not to be vaccinated.”

"I don't think I've ever experienced a situation, in my lifetime, where a person was fired from their job or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey or not allowed to visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital or allowed to get on a plane to go across the country to see family or travel across the border."

She says unvaccinated Canadians "have been the most discriminated group" that she's witnessed in her lifetime.

Nevertheless, Smith says vaccination, particularly for COVID-19, needs to be thought about differently. It needs to be looked at in the same way that doctors look at influenza immunizations, and we must not brush aside the value of natural immunity.

"Vaccination really is for self-protection in this case because you have to make your own choice about your own medical status in conjunction with your own doctor and your own pre-existing medical conditions and we have to stop trying to victimize a particular group because they made a different choice."

One of the items on Smith's to-do list is to amend the Human Rights Act to protect the rights of unvaccinated Albertans.


  • It is well understood that the most egregious abusers of human rights during covid were liberal/leftist governors, mayors, and presidents. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Michigan, California, China and New York are but a sample of liberal enclaves who found their inner totalitarian during covid.

  • The red of China and the blue of California and New York were almost indistinguishable as these authoritarian-minded leaders used the coronavirus crisis as a convenient pretext to silence critics and consolidate power.

  • The health crisis inevitably subsided, but autocratic governments’ dangerous expansion of power was one of the pandemic’s most enduring legacies.

  • What Is Coercion?
    My dictionary (Webster's New Collegiate) defines coerce as:

    1.     To restrain or dominate by nullifying individual will;

    2.     To compel to an act or choice;

    3.     To enforce or bring about by force or threat.

  • Here’s an acid test. When you or anyone else is trying to coerce the conscience of someone else, you are always in the wrong. Coercion is never on the right side of history.

  • Babylon embraces coercion as its means of achieving desired ends, while the bride of Christ embraces conversion as its means of achieving such ends.

  • It is refreshing to hear an honest-hearted leader apologize for the abusive overreach of the Covid power grab. May there be more of them.


“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Proverbs 29:2).