Stephen Bohr will Be a Speaker at Campmeeting in Missouri

In 2020, the Potomac Conference sought to change its bylaws to prevent being accountable to the world Seventh-day Adventist Church. Fortunately, it failed, thanks to an alert constituency.

Last year (2023), the Potomac Conference tried to prevent Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Stephen Bohr from speaking at the Roanoke and Gaithersburg Seventh-day Adventist churches. When their efforts failed, they seized the bank funds and audio/visual equipment of the Gaithersburg Church, and their executive committee issued a warning to the Roanoke Church. They demonstrated no disapproval to the Sligo Church for hosting a Sabbath pro-LGBTQ meeting also in 2023.

Lake of the Ozarks Campmeeting

The third annual Lake of the Ozarks Camp Meeting will be held at Pathway to Paradise Ministries on July 24-27, 2024. Come and join us this year for a spiritually refreshing time of Bible study, fellowship, prayer, and music. Children’s programs will be held part of the day on Thursday, Friday, and Sabbath. Attendance is free, and meals and tent sites are available for purchase. We hope to see you soon!

At this campmeeting, you can expect solid biblical truths to be expounded. You will not find attempts to normalize LGBTQ+ moral rebellion. The spirit at this campmeeting will be biblical, supportive of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its doctrines. Be blessed!


“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).