A Nation Upset: Donald Trump Wins the White House

America wakes up today to a new and unexpected reality.  Donald J. Trump will be the next president of the United States.

In a resounding rebuke to the political establishment, the Manhattan businessman was elected the 45th president following one of the most bitter and wildly unpredictable campaigns in the nation's history.  Here are some lessons learned along the way:

  • Political correctness is no longer the guiding principle of the day.  In an upset for the ages, Trump defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by running the table in midwest battleground states--Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennslyvania.  A large segment of this electorate flocked to Trump because he positioned himself as "an icon of resistance to political correctness."  In other words: Smug, entitled, elitist, privileged leftists jumping down the throats of ordinary folks who aren't up-to-date on the latest requirements of progressive society, took it on the chin yesterday.  Hard.
  • The polls were wrong.  Projection models were wrong.  Veterans of many presidential elections were wrong.  Americans stood up and said "We want another direction."
  • Clinton's loss reflects the reality of a Democratic party that has drifted steadily leftward.  The Democrat Party is now the home of LGBT agitation, abortion, Labor Unions, militant racism, feminism, Social Justice ideology, unrestrained immigration, globalism and diminishing religious liberty under the guise of civil liberty.  
  • Some have speculated that Trump will try to unite church and state.  We will be watching this aspect, and report on it if it becomes more than speculation.
  • In a surprising demographic, women helped Trump defeat the first female presidential candidate.  They weren't buying the Hillary brand.
  • Non-church goers voted for Clinton by a whopping 35 percentage points (63-28%).
  • Berrien Springs County voted 54% for Trump and 41% for Clinton.
  • Clinton may have won the popular vote by a slim margin while Trump handily won the electoral college.  The final votes are still being counted.  

In closing, it may be that God has allowed His people a unique window of time to share the Everlasting Gospel.  Let us hide His Word in our hearts, and press together, mindful of the unique message & mission that we bear.  We must go beyond making America great.  I say make Adventism humble again.  Only in humility are we exceptional, and useful to God (2 Corinthians 2:10; James 4:10). 



[Fulcrum7 does not endorse political parties. We endorse the Everlasting Gospel and seek the Lord's wisdom in encouraging our people to be faithful in the opportunities that He provides.]