The Science Of The Devil

In the letter 48, 1907 E.G. White wrote:

”What is soon coming upon us? Seducing spirits are coming in. If God has ever spoken by me, you will before long hear of a wonderful science—a science of the devil. Its aim will be to make of no account God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Some will exalt this false science, and through them Satan will seek to make void the Law of God. Great miracles will be performed in the sight of men in behalf of this wonderful science.”

 When I read this a week ago I was stunned about this prediction and I was wondering what science is she referring to? After giving a few thoughts, I think she is referring to Climate  Change—or as some want to change its name—Climate Crisis or Climate catastrophe.

“If God has Ever Spoken by Me.”

EG White here is saying that God has clearly shown her about this science that is soon to come.  Around the time that she wrote that, some scientist had started do research and form theories about climate and the influence of the gases of the atmosphere upon the climate. For example the greenhouse effect theory is considered to first be made in 1901. After that, more theories were presented and then the Climate Science or climatology was born around the beginning of 20th century.

The Evolution Connection

“Its aim will be to make of no account God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.” All this science—in my opinion—is built on the evolutionary theory and ignores God to be the Creator. For many this theory has become a religion in which the earth is God and we humans are the destroyers and the saviors. The saviors are those climate change activist and the destroyers are  the climate change deniers  or as they they like to call people name they  call them science deniers.

“Some will Exalt this False Science, and thru them Satan will try to make void The Law of God”

Some say that the vast majority of scientists are embracing this theory but we do not know for sure if that is the truth because they that promote this science have a track record  of using lies and falsehood to promote their ideas. The sad reality is that even some among us (SDA) are deceived by this science of the devil, including some in very high positions in the church.

The saddest reality is that with some of them you cannot reason to show the potential danger of their position. The final result of exalting this false science will be the Sunday law will be enforced and we see this being played out right before our eyes. The Pope has already revealed his idea about how to solve this “environmental crisis' in the second  encyclical that he wrote Laudato Si, and is summoning world leaders to the Vatican on May 14 to enter into a Global Pact.

'Great miracles will be performed in the sight of men in behalf of this wonderful science.'

This I think can be the “renewable energies“ that they are claiming will save the planet. If we will think critically we will not be deceived by the name they gave to these ‘miracles’.  The sad part is that the mass media is in bed with this science and they do their best to deceive the people. The the vast majority of politicians have also jumped in their wagon and they use their power in behalf of this wonderful ‘science.’ 

The way they present those “renewable energy “ miracles is: Yes you need to invest some money in the beginning, but after that the energy will just start to flow nice and smooth.

They will not tell you that if you go carbon-neutral as they demand, (by that they mean to eliminate all the CO2 producing energies) the cost of energy will go up  3 or 4 times. Some scientists estimate that without the cost of batteries needed for back up for days with no wind or cloudy (if you don't want to have a blackout) you will have to pay about 10 times more than what you pay now.

They will not tell you also the negative impact that these methods have upon the environment. There are some among them that are honest and will tell you that going all green is not feasible at this time and nor in the near future.

The politicians getting involved in this fervor is more troubling because they think that they can force this “renewable energy” to be produced and not at the price that the market dictates. One famous political candidate said that when/if he is elected, he will make this type of energies to be able to to compete with the energy that is produce by burning fossil fuel. The reporter that was interviewing him of course did not ask him how he will do that? The only way he could do that will be through magic or price control or subsidies which is bad from an economic point of view.

Another politician  said that we have a crisis  and all we worry about is how are we going to pay for to solve it? I could go on and on about these faux “miracles of the renewable energies” that are portrayed in the mass media, but that will take to long .

 In Europe,  the influence of this science of the devil is very powerful because it is accepted by the vast majority of the people. There are countries that have already set a time frame to eliminate all the usage of fossil fuel for energy. Some countries  want to have even the cars all electric by a certain date.

Carbon taxes are introduced in many of these countries, but they are not well received by the people that have to pay for and they rise up to protest like the yellow vests in France, the farmers in the Netherlands and others.

In the US, things are not so bad yet. I think there is a 50-50 ratio between the “science deniers” and the people that accept the climate change narrative. It varies depending on the part of the country you are in.

In the more socialist states, there is a higher percentage of people that believe in the climate change. The top of the list is California in my humble opinion. It depends  on the age of the population also. In the college age group, I think the majority accept those ideas because of what they are taught in the colleges.

The Bottom Line

We are looking and seeing this prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. The Sunday law is  coming and shortly after that Christ will return!   

Here is my scenario: The politicians and scientists don't have  a solution for this manufactured ‘problem’ that the people will like, but the Pope has one that will be accepted: Rest one day a week to save the environment.


Nick Hojda is a bricklayer and an Adventist from Ohio.