Unsatisfied with the Pope’s initial response, the five cardinals reworded the “dubia” letter and sent it again on August 21, citing “the gravity of the matter,” regarding same-sex unions and possible ordination of female priests.
Read moreUpdate from Eugen Hartwich on the LGBTQ Crisis in German Adventism
For this reason, I encourage you not to remain neutral in this crisis, but to continue to stand kindly and clearly on the unchanging and unequivocal moral principles of God's Word.
Read moreAdventism and Catholicism on Parallel Tracks
Adventism and Catholicism are facing similar issues, including what to do about the contemporary West’s sexual mores and the technocratic tyranny.
Read moreFour Pastors Leave Collegedale Church in One Year
There is a four-person pastoral search team looking for a new pastor for the Collegedale church. Two of the members of this team are Ken Shaw and Greg King. Both of them are decent men, committed the Adventist Message.
Read moreGerman Christian Family Being Deported While Millions of Illegals Pour Into the U.S.
In their initial argument, the family claimed that 'God was calling them to homeschool their five children', claiming that the 'anti-Christian' message in German schools was also a factor.
Read moreSECC Seeks to Limit Called Constituency Sessions Through Bylaws Change
In our opinion, this reduces the willingness of the SECC administrators to be accountable to their constituents. We live in an age where more accountability is needed, not less. Don’t squander your authority, friends.
Read moreThe Vaxx Narrative Relies on Secrecy
Much surrounding the Covid vaccines is being kept secret
Read moreUpper Columbia Conference Votes Down The Sneaky Bylaws Change!
We praise God for alert Seventh-day Adventist constituents who are blocking liberal conference administrators in their effort to separate Seventh-day Adventists from the world church. We stand with you!
Read moreKellogg's Flakey Communists
Every box of cornflakes you buy funds the Kellogg Foundation, which funds the Left.
Read moreUpper Columbia Conference Attempts Sneaky Bylaws Change
This Article 3 bylaws addition is a clever attempt to make the Upper Columbia Conference subservient to the NAD Executive Committee. It proposes a concentration of power that is foreign to the SDA Church and spiritually unhealthy for the members of the UCC.
Read moreSouthern University Puts a Stop to Dancing at Cultural Club Events
Dennis Negrón, vice president for Student Development indicated that these events have become more about dancing instead of culture. Negrón made the decision to halt the dancing this year.
Read moreLa Sierra University Church is Getting Even Gayer
This is the vision of Adventism that J.N. Andrews worked to establish? This is what James and Ellen White labored for? This is what John Loughborough and Hiram Edson sacrificed so much to help establish?
Read moreLa Sierra President Ousted in Faculty Coup
La Sierra’s president until yesterday, Joy A. Fehr, was apparently not liberal enough to suit the Darwinists on La Sierra’s religion faculty. A compliant Board of Trustees full of useless church bureaucrats accepted her resignation.
Read moreThe Unpleasant Timeline of the LGBTQ+ Problem in SDA Germany
The departure of German Adventism from God’s creational distinctions began with ordaining women in 2012. Today, they are determined to defend and enshrine homosexuality as the next candidate for unbiblical ordination.
Read moreInter-European Division Issues Statement on The LGBTQ Problem in Germany
We’ve had too much dialogue already. We already know what the Word of God says regarding male and female sexuality.
Read moreWalla Walla University Issues Statement Regarding The Gender Inclusive Module
On Friday, John McVay issued a statement that WWU had removed the module. He said the ‘gender identity’ module did not reflect the commitment of WWU to SDA beliefs and values.
Read moreControversy Between Gentry SDA Church And Ozark Adventist School Boils Over
Apparently, the School sent out a letter that was deemed inaccurate by the Gentry Church. Here’s hoping that both sides work this out in a manner that honors the Lord Who instructed us “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18).
Showdown Brewing in Germany Between Faithful SDA Conference and Liberal Unions Over LGBTQ+
We are facing a fork in the road in our church in Germany. Either we profess the unchanging moral values of the Bible (Mt 5:18; Jn 17:17), or we follow societal developments regarding LGBTQ+. So it is up to everyone personally to make a decision here.
Read moreFreshman Students at Walla Walla Required to Watch Inclusive Orientation About Gender Identity
This multiple gender ideology comes from cultural Marxism and is marketed to academic institutions under the guise of diversity, inclusion and equity.
Read moreGerman Unions Are Still Pushing the LGBTQ+ Agenda
They announced study classes on LGBTQ, led by Sasa Gunjevic (the avowed bisexual pastor). They announced a new book to be issued by the "Advent Verlag" on September 15, 2023. The book title is "Queergedacht", which means "thinking queer".
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