Oregon Coach Fired After Asking State To Protect Female Athletics

The head track and field coach at a high school in Oregon has been fired after writing letters to state officials expressing his concerns about allowing biological males to compete with girls.

John Parks, who had been employed at Lake Oswego High School since January of last year, says his contract was terminated shortly after he began speaking out against males self-identifying as females being allowed to race against biological females.

Parks first wrote the Oregon Student Activities Association with his concerns just before the controversial May 18 state championships where a trans-identified male student raced against girls. The male, Aayden Gallagher, had been dominating a number of races in the qualifying matches leading up to the state championships. Gallagher ultimately seized first place in the Girls Varsity 200 meter race at the championships, and was booed upon taking the winner’s podium.

Following the championships, Parks wrote another letter, this time to Oregon Senator Rob Wagner. In the letter, Parks argued that current Oregon law, which allows males to self-identify into women’s sports, was creating an unfair playing field for female athletes.

“The OSAA competition rules need to be aligned with what the rest of the world competes under,” Parks wrote to Senator Wagner, referring to the hormone testing and restrictions enforced by the International Olympic Committee and other sporting bodies.

Parks favors allowing biological males who identify as female to compete in their own division, not in the female division. “My proposal to encourage transgender participation is to offer an open division that is so named so it doesn’t identify or discriminate but offers an opportunity to participate.” Parks says he does not oppose transgender students playing in school sports, but that separate categories were needed to ensure fairness for girls. “I want them to be able to participate where they’re not booed,” Parks said, speaking to local KATU.

He says he is now in the process of appealing his termination. “I’m going to fight now because I got wronged,” he told KATU. “I am fighting for girls, I’m fighting for female sports, and I’m fighting that it be fair for everybody.”

Comment: Obviously, it is unfair to biological females to force them to compete against biological males. It is a denial of reality, and a subornation of basic human decency and common sense to the inhuman demands of radical Leftist ideology, as well as rebellion against God and the divinely created sexual order.

But destroying the created sexual order is an important part of the atheistic, revolutionary Leftist, totalitarian program. Where the radical Left is very firmly in control (as it is in all jurisdictions that have adopted mail-out/mail-in voting, including California, Oregon and Washington) they will brook no opposition to that part of their agenda. If you oppose them, they will destroy you, cancel you, get you fired from your job, and even try to jail you. This is how the Left always operates, everywhere that it is or ever has been in power.

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“Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator made them male and female?” Mat. 19:4