Biden DOJ Criminally Prosecutes Texas Doctor for Exposing Sexual Mutilation of Minors

The Department of Justice has indicted Dr. Eithan Haim, a surgeon who exposed the fact that Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston was secretly conducting gender re-assignment surgeries and other gender related surgeries on minors. Dr. Haim has been charged with four felony counts related to his alleged violation of a medical records law known as HIPAA.

A few years ago, Texas Children’s Hospital made no secret of its support for transgender medicine. Its doctors proudly administered puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and other medical interventions to confused children suffering from typically very transient gender dysphoria.

But in the face of public pressure to stop the hideous barbarism, CEO Mark Wallace announced that he was shutting down the child gender clinic. But doctors at the hospital did not stop the barbarism.

The public would never have known if not for a courageous surgeon, Dr. Eithan Haim, who felt morally obligated to expose the subterfuge. He contacted journalist Christopher Rufo, telling Rufo how the hospital had lied about terminating the transgender “medicine” program, and that doctors were, in fact, continuing to sexually mutilate children as young as 11.

The story flew around the world, and Texas Children’s immediately went on the defensive. Within a week, Texas legislators passed a bill confirming that transgender medical procedures for minors were illegal.

But the story also attracted attention from another powerful source: federal prosecutors. The Marxist activists who have taken control of the Orwellianly misnamed “Department of Justice” have not shied from targeting political opponents of the far-Leftist cabal running the administration of the pitifully demented Joe Biden. So far, they have targeted President Donald J. Trump, conservative parents who complain at school board meetings, great grandmothers praying outside of abortion clinics, and now doctors who cannot go along with cutting the breasts off of 14 year old girls and sterilizing them for life with cross-sex hormones.

On the morning in June, 2023, that Haim was to graduate from Texas Children Hospital’s residency program, federal agents knocked on his door. They had identified him as a potential “leaker,” presumably through forensic examination of the hospital’s computer systems. Shortly thereafter, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari began threatening Haim with prosecution.

Now, Ansari has made good on those threats. Earlier this week, U.S. marshals appeared at Haim’s home and summoned him to court to face an indictment on four felony counts of violating HIPAA. Rufo states that, “for my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted.”

Nonetheless, the prosecutor has pressed forward, hoping, at the least, to intimidate other medical professionals who would consider blowing the whistle on the barbarism of “transgender medicine.” Haim is undeterred and plans to mount a vigorous defense in court and is soliciting public support.

The documents that Dr. Haim supplied to Rufo revealed that Texas Children’s Hospital had continued running its transgender program, despite announcing that the program had been discontinued, in accordance with Governor Greg Abbott’s 2022 directive equating it with child abuse. (A law went into effect on September 1st, 2023, prohibiting pharmaceutical and surgical “gender-affirming” interventions performed on minor children.)

In January, Haim publicly identified himself as the whistleblower in an effort to protect himself from retaliation by the DOJ and the Department of Health and Human Services, but obviously that did not deter federal prosecutors. Haim has not been charged with disclosing any confidential patient information, which he did not do, but only with how he obtained the patient records.

“After understanding how far this corruption went, I had no other option but to take the story public and fight back,” Haim told National Review. Describing the moment federal agents showed up at his door, Hiam stated, “There was this deep visceral part of me that knew exactly what was happening — that they were there because we had challenged the political ideology, and they were there to make an example out of me.”

Assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Texas Tina Ansari, whose office is prosecuting Dr. Haim, argues that Haim had no right to share the medical records of minor patients with the public, neglecting to mention that no patient charts were shared, and the documents were redacted to carefully protect sensitive or identifying information. HIPAA permits anonymized information to be disclosed generally, and even protected information can be publicized if it’s used to stop egregious medical misconduct.

Today, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R.—Missouri) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI director Christopher Wray stating, inter alia:

“Let’s be clear about what’s happening here. This prosecution is intended to silence Dr. Haim, deter future whistleblowers, and allow deception and medical malpractice [more like Mengele-level, Nazi medical experimentation] to continue apace. . . . This prosecution is an unconscionable abuse of legal process, in service of shoddy and irresponsible gender ideology.”

With respect, Senator, it is far worse than that. The DOJ is using the literally infinite resources of the federal government to destroy a conscientious doctor whose “crime” is that he objects to the sick, twisted, demonic sexual mutilation of minor children.

The hideously ugly FBI building—and the DOJ building across the street—now stand only as monuments to America’s deeply satanic rebellion against the divinely created sexual order, and the brutal, degrading worship of Moloch, the god of child sacrifice.

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Christopher Rufo has published another piece with a evidence from another whistleblower, this time a nurse, indicating that Texas Children’s Hospital was billing Medicaid for transgender interventions, even though it was well known that, in Texas, Medicaid does not cover transition-related surgeries, or hormone therapies and puberty blockers. Will the doctors billing Medicaid be prosecuted for fraud?

And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to set apart their sons and their daughters unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind, that they should do this abomination; to cause Judah to sin. Jer. 32:35