On Wednesday, Ted Wilson announced an agenda item at Spring Meeting that has three parts to it. The document contains recommendations for doctrinal integrity of SDA institutions and members. It was created by GCDO (GC and Division Officers) and the Strategic Planning Committee. I call it the Theological Stewardship Document.
The central goal is to reaffirm the biblical truths that we hold. There is an observable drift in some teachers, pastors and church members – away from the biblical truths that make us Adventists. And the worst of it is coming from our educational centers and institutions. So this agenda item is an attempt to stop the drift towards non-biblical elements of culture and worldliness.
Some Adventists have adopted the belief that their dead relatives are in heaven.
Some are challenging that the Holy Spirit or the Son of God is from eternity.
Those who deny that Ellen White had the gift of prophecy.
Love Reality, a diminishing of the sanctifying righteousness of Christ.
The Investigative Judgment
The biblical six-day creation
That we are called to keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12).
That it is acceptable to go to a witch doctor or consult a mystic for spiritual enlightenment.
Last October, GCDO met together and reviewed our 28 fundamental beliefs. The discovered that roughly seven of those beliefs are experiencing observable ‘slippage’, eroding our end time identity. The question was asked, what can we do about this? After all, our ability to proclaim these truths to the world rests on our biblical beliefs.
Three subcommittees were formed. Their recommendations:
Committee 1
Bible and Mission Conferences should be held around the world. These conferences will encourage pastors, elders, theologians, and teachers to proclaim Bible truth to ourselves, to students and to the world. The BRI and others will help organize these conferences. They will cover distinctive beliefs of the church, including controversial and often misunderstood topics.
Prepare video presentations for pastors, elders, theologians, and teachers. These presentations will provide for feedback and questions.
Provide PowerPoint presentations and Word documents of these materials
Committee 2
Content should be developed for social media. These materials will be in digital format and will be made available across many social media platforms.
We have pastors who don’t believe some of our biblical doctrines. Why? Probably because they have read books with human philosophy or cultural reasoning instead of the Bible, often as part of their studies at non-Adventist institutions, where they should not have been in the first place. As Paul says in Romans 12:21, “Let us overcome evil with good.”
Textbook on the prophetic gift.
A Sola Scriptura book will be written by Gerhard Pfandl to help members understand the inspiration and authority of the Bible so we can teach and proclaim it with authority.
Answers to biblical issues and questions, including the Trinity.
Convert portions of the above projects for dissemination on digital and social media platforms.
Produce 25 videos (10-15 minutes long) to address doctrinal issues. These videos should be attractive, of high quality, and should be available in multiple languages, as many as 50 languages are available using AI translation. The financial resources needed for these projects are already in hand.
Committee 3
Strengthening our educational institutions. In the closing moments of earth’s history, the education of our pastors, lay leaders, members and children is more critical than ever. Recommendations:
Faculty. Schools should hire teachers that are fully committed to the distinctive message and mission of the SDA church.
Financing. One proposal is that the GC would partner with the Divisions to train potential teachers who are theologically sound.
Criteria for hiring faculty. Develop clear criteria for hiring faculty who teach religion and theology. This should include looking at the ratio of faculty trained in non-adventist institutions and those trained in Adventist institutions. In some cases this may require a reduction in staff.
Curriculum. Review core curriculum requirements for religion classes as well as theology to ensure that the distinctive Adventist beliefs continue to be taught. Review the curriculum from the perspective of content as well as subject matter matter, particularly at the undergraduate level, as this provides the foundation for a person's understanding and service. Request divisions to carefully review religion/theology Core Curriculum components to carry out a study to confirm that the core fundamental beliefs continue to be taught by 7th Day Adventist institutions. 2:50:47
Appoint a carefully chosen person in each division to work with all entities coordinating and strengthening theological education including the Core Curriculum continuing education and the hiring of religion/theology faculty. He should report to the division president executive officers as constitutionally elected leaders. This is for theological accountability.
For General Conference education institutions, a member of the Biblical Research Institute should be an ex officio member of the institution’s governing board.
Ella Simmons spoke in favor of the document, suggesting that it be expanded to include science teachers, as some of them have been a conduit for macro evolution flowing into the church—taught as truth rather than a theoretical explanation of origins.
Kathy Proffitt spoke in favor of the document, adding a request that the recommendations be expanded to include science and biology departments. She acknowledged that 4 of her children experienced a crisis of faith in school due to doubts planted in them by disloyal science teachers teaching evolution as a viable explanation of origins.
Andi Hunsaker spoke in favor of the recommendations. She acknowledged concerns about the church, saying that we are in an identity crisis. The problem is not just knowledge, the problem is a lack of understanding who we are and where we are going. We are a movement, not just a church. We have a purpose, defined in the Three Angels’ Messages. Every branch of our church needs to be invested in declaring the Three Angels’ Messages.
David Trim affirmed the document. Research data can be found at Adventist research.info. He asked that Adventist historians be included in the steering process, along with theologians.
Ramon Canals supported the recommendation/document. Doing nothing is not an option. We have a need to strengthen our ministers; this is an opportunity.
Blasious Ruguri, President of East Africa Division (largest Division in the SDA church with over 5 million SDA members), strongly supported the initiative, saying, “this is needed.”
Mrs. Lisa Hardy. Education director for GC. She outlined a host of edits to the document, and said that the document could negatively affect the autonomy of educational institutions. Directly interposing between the institution and its governing board would be a challenge (whatever that means). Putting a BRI member on boards would pose ‘some challenges’. Many of our educational institutions are not willfully going against GC working policy. They just don’t have a copy of the GC policy (lamest excuse ever). She is also concerned that the recommendations are too broad.
Ted Wilson responded to Mrs. Hardy. “I'm going to put my neck right on the line. Our institutions which have drifted—and I'm going to use that word—have drifted into the area of saying “You can't touch us. We have our own board we have our own protocols and you can't touch us.” They have drifted into the wrong place. Institutions are institutions of the World Church respectively in all of the different areas—who funds them, who sends the students. These are the people that want to see those educational institutions flourish under an understanding of [true] education in a biblical and spirit of Prophecy and [a] God-focused understanding. That is the reason for our institutions. Otherwise, there's no other reason for it. Parents [and] constituent members want to see that kind of focus. Institutions which are now putting an arms length between the church and active involvement of the church are headed in the wrong direction. Some people will not like to hear that. They will say [it] sounds like this president is now going to become a big gorilla and going to lean on us. We're going to work on this collaboratively, but we cannot allow the slippage.”
Alexander Bryant, North American Division president, said that the document is needed, but cautioned against assuming that people have failed because our institutions are in the condition that they are. (Two words. They have.) That’s why we need reformation and accountability of these institutions, which are managed by—people.
Tom Lemon. Doesn’t like the term ‘slippage.’ Says we shouldn’t blame our teachers or pastors for the ‘slippage.’ Advises that this initiative be rolled out in a sensitive (politically correct) manner so as to not offend.
Mark Finley spoke at the microphone on the relationship between mission and message. We spend a great deal of time talking about the mission of the church. But that mission is fundamentally dependent upon our message. If we look at the history of mainline denominations, particularly in North America, they started as bible-based. But as time went on there was this slippage—this erosion—and they've lost their sense of mission. I will never forget planting a church in one of the major cities in America. We went to rent a non-adventist church, because we had no church. The pastor took me around and he showed me under under a stairwell where where they had little chairs for their Sunday school. With a sorrowful look on his face he said, “We used to be packed in this church but we no longer are.” They lost their message so they lost their mission. We too could lose our commitment to be a Bible based movement. This document can help us focus on the reason why we are here.
Mrs. Weller
Mrs. Ginger Weller. She acknowledges need for document but doesn’t like Part Three. Advises referring it back to the committee. Says she agrees with
Tom Lemon and Mrs. Hardy. Says there were not enough educators on the committee to bring accountability to educators. She won’t vote for the document.
Juan Prestol supports the document. Says it is needed. We are facing many snares from the enemy. Our identity is in danger. (Good point.)
Steve Dickman. Our current outcome of SDA Education is not our desire. Supports the document as an urgent matter. Says there needs to be lay people on this committee in order to have a more broad and effective cross section of members. They need to be part of the discussion. (Amen.)
Phil Mills. Encouraged by the document, supports it. Quotes Martin Luther, “I am much afraid that the universities will prove to be the Great Gates of Hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the holy scriptures and engraving them in the hearts of Youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scriptures do not Reign Paramount every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the word of God must become corrupt.” Phil also appealed for more laymen on the committee, theirs is an important voice on an important issue that affects them. (Amen²).
The Vote
It passed.
This is a much needed initiative to strengthen our biblical identity as a movement with a special Bible message. To everyone that had a part in this reformation initiative, we thank and support you.
The first two Parts are being implemented already. Part Three, dealing with important educational reform will be airbrushed and discussed at Fall Council. A portion (or, all) of it will be sent to 2025 Session as potential bylaws changes.
Please pray that God’s will is done, and that any political attempts by our institutions to disrupt this process of renewal is exposed and condemned by Him.
Remember, we are stewards of the grace and truth of our Lord 1 Peter 4:10; John 1:14-17). We serve a good God and He still rules over all (Psalm 103:19).
“The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19).