Man Who Habitually Sniffs Dirty Socks, Hospitalized With Lung Infection

Every now and then, we like to run a story that relaxes you with a mixture of humor and reality. This story is offered as a public service warning to people who like to smell dirty socks. We know you’re out there. We can smell you.

A man in China who reportedly sniffed his dirty socks each day learned the hard way that his habit is apparently a health danger.

The man, identified only as Peng by the Daily Mail, reportedly developed a habit of sniffing his socks each day after work. But this unusual custom allegedly landed him in the hospital after the Zhangzhou resident complained of chest pains, tightness in his chest and a cough, Science Alert reported.

Initially, doctors at Zhangzhou's 909 Hospital suspected that Peng, 37, had pneumonia. But when his symptoms persisted, doctors re-questioned the man and he eventually admitted he was “addicted to smelling his socks that he had been wearing,” he said, according to the Daily Mail, which cited local Chinese media.

There may be a a twelve-step program for sock-sniffing enthusiasts who want to kick the habit.

Physicians would later discover the man had a serious fungal infection in his lungs, more formally known as pulmonary fungal disease. The infection was likely caused when the man inhaled the fungal spores found in the dirty socks, Science Alert reported. Pee yew!

If you don’t find this story mildly amusing, it could be that you enjoy sniffing dirty socks.

If you do. Stop it.

We hope Peng will make a full recovery. We also hope that he will taste and see that the Lord is good, when/if his sense of smell returns.



“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2).